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Varsis Wetlands


The Varsis Wetlands are a series of rainy swamps and marshes that encompass the center of the Urthallian region of Tundrusk. These marshes are home to a variety of small, amphibious creatures as well as a multidude of bandit hideouts. The difficulty of the marsh to traverse limits the amount of roads and paths that lead through it, making it easy for small groups of bandits to rob caravans of travelers and then dip into the deepest parts of the marsh.   The marsh itself is a large collection of small, shallow bodies of water with narrow pieces of unstable land separating them. Trees grow out of both the bodies of water and the wet dirt, creating a somewhat thick forest that covers large portions of the wetland. Most of the trees are Jisania, trees with a grayish bark known for their flexible, blue-tinted wood. Small shrubs, roots, and vines cover the floor of the marsh, giving the forest floor a greenish-blue layer above the dark brown dirt.

Fauna & Flora

A variety of flora and fauna reside in the marshes of the Varsis Wetlands. The main plant-life consists of Jisania trees, vines, shrubs, and bushes with native onions or other tubers growing in the larger expanses of land. In terms of fauna, the Varsis wetlands is home to a variety of lizards, frogs, newts, as well as certain birds such as the Sturoc or the mammalian creatue, the Scomir.

Natural Resources

The main resources present in the Varsis Wetlands are Jisanian wood and the freshwater fish/amphibians which reside in the small pools of water that litter the marsh. Some edible plants and medicinal herbs are also found such as the edible Varsical onion, the medicinal green dragon, and the psychoactive Calvian Mushroom. The amount of fungal life is numerous in the marshes and is mostly edible, except for a few mushrooms of greenish or orange colors.
Wetland / Swamp
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