The Sendric are a species of humanoids that belongs to the primate-derived category. Although this has come under debate.
In appearance very similar to the Feytarii and Humans they fall in between those two species when it comes to their build, somewhat bulkier and more sturdy than many Feytarii ethnicities the average Sendric is still not to the levels of many average humans.
While the three species are very similar looking there is a significant and distinctive difference between the Feytarii, the Humans and the Sendric. Especially when it comes toe the eyes, ears and the ethnic variety.
The ears of the sendric are not only more pointy than those of the Feytarii, but they can be elongated to about a Spann, also the ears are quite movable and do move with the mood and needs of the Sendric. While their eyes are much closer in appearance to the human eyes, albeit with sometimes very unusual colours.
An interesting point of discussion is the lack of ethnic variety within the Sendric. Except for very slight differences in skin tan, hair and eye colour distribution the Sendric do not seem to have distinguishing ethnic features in different populations. Almost as if they are not adapting to their environment, this is the main basis for the theory of the Sendric as either "artificial" or at least an "uncategorized" species.
The Sendric are a rather uncommon sight compared to other primate-derived humanoids except for the Feytarii and, because of the similarities with those for the longest time, they have been classified as a Feytarii race. More recent surveys have shown that the Sendric are anatomically quite different from the Feytarii apart from the obviously differing ears. A very important difference is in lifespan, where the Sendric are long-lived but are closer to the Dwarrow or Dalvion in their development and ageing process, while the Feytarii have their very unusual lifecycle.
The Sendric do not display a great variety of colourations in skin tone, or hair colours. Also interesting is that they do not adapt to intensive exposure to sunlight. All other primate-derived humanoids show significant colour changes when exposed to intense sunlight over long periods of time.
Basically all Sendaric show a light olive tint as their skin colouration and their hair seems to be of lighter colours as well, blondes, strawberry reds, light browns and even grey or silver are predominant. Black or darker blond tones are almost non-existent.