The continent is divided into three very different parts.
First, to the north, there is the subcontinental island of Varleria, which is sometimes thought of as a separate continent. The main body of Söe is, in total south of Varleria however it extends more to the West than the East.
The main landmass is, rather dramatically, divided into two very different major regions by a geological formation called the Eastern Wall
The bigger, western part of the continent is called theKento-Plains. Very few mountains can be found here and those that can are barely worthy of the name. It is mostly a savannah type grassland, sprinkled with forest areas - if a woodland area of a few hundred square kilometres can be called a sprinkle.
The smaller Eastern part is commonly known as the Eastern Reaches. In essence, it comprises of a massive mountain range circling the vast sweet-water sea of Lake Highland. The highest peaks reach higher than a dragon might fly and from their glaciers spring the waters for Lake Highland.
In the south-eastern tip rise the Hellfire Mountains, a chain of 12 active volcanoes.