Wytchway Settlement in Twearth | World Anvil
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The town is currently governed by Mayor Alex Mills, however the local church has significant influence.

Industry & Trade

The town is struggling to feed itself, and relies heavily on the trade of iron produce from the nearby mine. Given its isolated location, Wytchway has trade deals with larger settlements like Candlekeep who frequents the town on eagles in order to bypass the strenous mountain range.


The uncovering of a Church Ruin underneath the newer Church of the Purifier hints at a far prior founding of this settlement as a place of worship.

Points of interest

  • Church of the Purifier
  • The Den (Tavern)
  • JJ's Blacksmith
  • The Mayors House


Wytchway sits to the west of a mountain range, and to the east of a dense forrest region, isolating the town from the rest of civilization. Far to the south the area is boardered by steep cliffs along the River Llora


The immidiate surrounding fields and hills make for suitable pastures and produce a mediocre supply of grains. The fields further away that used to make the basis of a thriving town suffer from poor soil conditions, several areas appearing scorched and dry.

Natural Resources

Wood from the nearby mountain ranges provides the town with sufficient construction materials and firewood. However, the mountains are too dangerous to set up a profitable operation.
Wytchway relies mostly on an iron mine located north-west of town.
Location under
Characters in Location


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