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King Vladimir Legendere (a.k.a. Vlad II)

Vladimir Legendere is a member of the Legendere Royal family, and the Vampire King. He is the father and Xavier and Ronnie. Vladimir has a great interest in the Discord family, that's why Ronnie said Luna was a princess or something because her ancestor was a king. The government tried to destroy any documents about the Discord family but couldn't because they were either in the possession of a Discord, or Vladimir saved them.   Like many older vampires, Vladimir is very traditional and old-fashioned. Vladimir was born in 1800 to King Ivan Legendere and his 2nd wife, Natalya.

Physical Description

Special abilities

Vladimir has vampire abilities. He can turn into a bat, hypnotize people, command them to perform a certain tasks, make them fall asleep, deprive their needs

Apparel & Accessories

Vladimir wears a fancy black waistcoat, a white collared shirt, and black dress pants, a navy blue vest, or a black brocade vest with a cravat. and/or a red tie with a red cape, and dress shoes. Vladimir wears a necklace containing a vial of Kayako's blood around his neck.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Vladimir is the son of Emperor King Vladimir and his 2nd, Queen Natalya, who was a servant for his first, Queen Lilith. Although Vladimir had an overall good childhood, his older half-brother hated him for the fact that his mother was a lowly servant. Vladimir ended up becoming King at a young age as his brother, Daemon, killed their father and went into hiding.


Vladimir had private tutors as a child. He learned the basics but had a great interest in history and was very talented in math.


Vladimir is the King of Vampires. He rules over the Vampiric Empire and keeps peace and order throughout it. His brother was the crown prince, meaning he was supposed to inherit the title but Vladimir ended up becoming king. Vladimir has also thought about becoming a bartender.

Accomplishments & Achievements

  • Coronated as King
  • Marrying Kayako 

Failures & Embarrassments

  • Being bullied by Daemon
  • Death of his father

Mental Trauma

Vladimir always felt left out and unimportant. His father paid more attention to Daemon, as did many other people. Vladimir felt like he was in his brother's shadow. Daemon also hated Vladimir and would constantly, taunt, insult, and bully him in other ways such as throwing him in fountains.

Personality Characteristics

Likes & Dislikes

Vladimirs favorite food is a blue-rare steak that is marinated in blood, soy sauce, olive oil, lemon juice, and seasoning. It has to be marinaded for 24-48 hours then sou-vide for the same amount of time,(or less) then seared and basted with compound butter, blood wine, and rosemary. He also likes to drink blood wine while watching over the kingdom. Vladimir also likes heights, bears, and perfume/cologne   He dislikes being bullied by his brother and feeling left out.

Virtues & Personality perks

  • Alert
  • Handsome
  • Brave 
  • Calm
  • Caring
  • Disciplined
  • Friendly 
  • Hard-working
  • Humanitarian
  • Humble 
  • Logical
  • Mature
  • Pacifist
  • Smart
  • Strong

Vices & Personality flaws

Vladimir, like a lot of Russians, is superstitious. Ronnie and Xavier even inherited this trait from him.  
  • Disturbed
  • Hard
  • Callous

Personality Quirks

  • Speaks slowly
  • Refuses low-quality food
  • Animal lover Has a soft spot for animals
  • Combs hair often
  • Sniffs things/people
  • Randomly uses another language (s)
  • Overly polite
  • Rubs their chin
  • They speak with an accent
  • Deep voice
  • Does not laugh
  • Refrains from vulgarity
  • Licks their lips
  • Looks over their shoulder
  • Always has a drink in their hand 



Even though his brother was the crown prince, Vladimir became king by the age of 18.

Family Ties

Vladimir is the son of Ivan Legendere and his 2nd wife, Natalya, who was formally human. Natalya was abandoned by her parents but was found by King Ivan, who turned her into a vampire and had her become a servant for his wife.

Hobbies & Pets

Vladimir has a pet vampire bat named Eilzabat that is pale brown. He spends most of his time reading(History) or playing the organ. He also likes to organize things. Believe it or not, Vladimir has an interest in bartending. Only Kayako knows about this... and Xavier... and Luna because Vladimir wanted to try out a recipe but didn't have an ingredient so he went to the tropical territory and Luna found him there.




Towards Kayako




Towards Vladimir



Half-brother (Trivial)

Towards Vladimir



Half-brother (Trivial)

Towards Daemon



After Daemon's mother, Lilith mysteriously died, his father, Ivan, married Lilith's servant, Natalya, and had a son with her. Daemon was very angry at his father for marrying another woman and was spiteful towards Natalya and his younger half-brother, Vladimir. He would often scowl and insult them whenever they were around.

Nicknames & Petnames

Daemon would often insult Vladimir and his mother.

Relationship Reasoning

Daemon was extremely sad over the death of his mother and was angry when Ivan decided to marry a servant. He saw his father replacing his mother for a younger woman, not of Royal blood.



Towards Vladimir




Towards Ivan


Wealth & Financial state

Vladimir is the king of all Vampires. He lives in a huge castle and even has a butler and maids that appear when needed.
Vladimir named Ronnie after a character in a medical soap opera. He thought it would be funny if Ronnie became a doctor which is why Vladimir made him take medical biology as an elective.
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
  • King Vladimir Legendere, 
  • King of vampires
  • Prince Vladimir Legendere, 
  • Prince of Vampires
Currently Held Titles
Date of Birth
November 25
Year of Birth
1800 218 Years old
Legendere Castle
Kayako (Wife)
Daemon (Half-brother)
Current Residence
Dark grey
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
6'3 ft
196 lbs
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Vladimir speaks English and Russian

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Aug 15, 2022 05:24 by LexiCon (WordiGirl)

Hi there! You may not know me, but I am the sponsor of the Great Leader of Their People Summer Camp Prompt this year! Since you wrote this article, I would like to know, would you mind me reading it aloud on my Twitch channel this week? I have a lot to get through so it helps to do it live while people watch. I've scheduled to go live at 8am and 8pm Eastern Time every weekday. If you join and comment, I can go over your article right then and there! If you'd like to coordinate a specific date, let me know. If you aren't able to make it (or don't want to be present live), you can also always watch streams after the fact on my YouTube channel   BUT, if the answer is NO because you'd rather I not, it's okay! Not agreeing to be streamed definitely does not put you at any disadvantage for winning in my eyes. Please respond swiftly by replying here (make sure to click REPLY under my comment or I won't be notified), message me on my World Anvil profile page, Discord, or anywhere else you find me online.   Thanks again! Whatever you choose, God bless and much success! <3

Aug 25, 2022 15:31 by Chaya Kenyon

Hi, sorry for the late reply. I've been having internet troubles, but you are more than welcome to read any articles you want on your twitch channel

Aug 25, 2022 18:44 by LexiCon (WordiGirl)

Hi thanks for the reply but, unfortunately, the judging deadline was yesterday. I still did read your article off-screen because I am the sponsor for Great Leader prompt though. Thanks for sharing. Interesting character.   God bless and much success! <3 Hopefully your internet improves soon, and at least I know I have permission for next time. :)

Aug 25, 2022 19:12 by Chaya Kenyon

Thank you for your support. I'm glad you enjoyed my character. If you ever want to read any of my other articles, feel free to do so. :)