Freedom Network Organization in Twilight of the Jedi | World Anvil
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Freedom Network

In the aftermath of the dissolution of the Delegation of 2,000, the sentiments of surviving senators and millions of beings throughout the Galaxy were not destroyed, but stymied. With no political recourse left, dissidents met, planned, recruited, and formed rebel cells and resistance movements on a dozen different planets within a year. The atrocities at Antar 4 and Kashhysk only grew the number, fervor, and resources of these groups as sentiment, among some beings, turned sharply anti-Imperial. This nascent rebellion, however, was long on odds and short on trust. Cells within the same movement were rarely aware of each other, and often distrustful and unwilling to expose themselves to discovery. Through the shared work of Resistance Leaders Bail Organa, Mon Mothma, Quinlan Vos, and Garm Bel Iblis, however, the ability to create a loose framework, a network, was forged. The Bothan Spy Network, many of its members themselves distrustful if not disloyal to the Empire, agreed to work with Organa's spy network to distribute messages across the Galaxy. Innocuous jobs, notifications, and other information flowed through the Network, where weekly encrypted broadcasts from the Freedom Holonet would provide codewords to decipher hidden information within the information network.   While far from a united front against the Empire, this framework allows for resource distribution, weaknesses in Imperial facilities, and recruitment for missions to operate with almost perfect security.
Illicit, Rebel


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