Delegation of 2,000 Organization in Twilight of the Jedi | World Anvil
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Delegation of 2,000

The Delegation of 2,000 was the name for a group of concerned senators in the Galactic Senate, many of whom were part of the Loyalist Committee. These two thousand individuals were concerned by the way in which Supreme Chancellor Sheev Palpatine had waged the Clone Wars; along with his accumulation of executive powers and changes to the Galactic Constitution. During the Cantham House meetings, the group created the Petition of 2,000. The petition formally protested Palpatine's actions and demanded he return to the Senate the emergency powers he had claimed following the conclusion of the war. The petition notably demanded the abrogation of the Sector Governance Decree, which created a formal, Republic-wide system of Planetary Governors and Sector Moffs, and effectively stripped the Senate of most of its practical authority.   The day after the formation of the Galactic Empire, Imperial Intelligence Service arrested sixty-three senators on charges of conspiracy and treason, several of whom were part of the Delegation of 2,000. Several notable members of the Delegation avoided arrest by swearing loyalty to the Emperor, including Senators Bail Organa of Alderaan and Mon Mothma of Chandrila. The Delegation effectively fragmented at that point. Whatever solidarity and power the Delegation still had after the arrest of many of its members was completely lost after all of the remaining signatories of the Petition of 2,000 withdrew their signatures in response to the pacification of Kashyyyk shortly thereafter.   Several organizers of the Delegation remained in contact and founded the Freedom Network to aid those suffering under Imperial tyranny.
Governmental, Senate/Parliament
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