Zuush Alief Character in Twilight of the Jedi | World Anvil
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Zuush Alief

Zuush Alief


Moltec Una

Master (Vital)

Towards Zuush Alief


Zuush Alief

Apprentice (Vital)

Towards Moltec Una


Tebrilli Zadane

Best Friend

Towards Zuush Alief


Zuush Alief

Best Friend

Towards Tebrilli Zadane


A Jedi Padawan on the run

View Character Profile
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Year of Birth
14 BFE 19 Years old
Polis Massa
Current Residence
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations

  • 0 BFE

    Zuush and Master Una assigned to Triton
    Life, Relocation

    Master Moltec Una and her padawan, Zuush Alief, are reassigned to Triton to analyze and examine the new droids being tested there.

  • 0 BFE

    15 /5

    Order 66 (Triton)
    Life, Trauma/ Loss

    Masters Keth and Una are killed on Triton. Their Padawans, Zuush and Tebrilli, escape behind enemy lines and fight Pars Ventra’s droids before escaping Triton.

  • 1 AFE


    The Malastare Job
    Life, Crime

    Zuush and Tebrilli assist Janos Bishto after a job on Malastare goes sideways.

  • 1 AFE


    Zuush and Tebrilli Found by the Inquisitorius
    Life, Relocation

    Eleventh Sister finds Zuush and Tebrilli on Malastare. They escape and find their way onto the Golden Porg.

  • 2 AFE


    Zuush Arrives on Corellia
    Life, Relocation

    Zuush and Tebrilli get smuggled from the Golden Porg to Corellia by Ced Jollum of Crimson Dawn

  • 2 AFE

    1 /6
    2 AFE

    3 /6

    Black Sun declares war on Crimson Dawn
    Criminal Activity

    Ced gets tired of waiting for payment and decides to put the squeeze on Zuush and Tebrilli. As a result of the events of the ensuing two-day chase, Vissica Blackhand declares war on Ced Jollum, Iquade Ket steal Zuush’s lightsaber, Tebrilli gets picked up by ISB Agent Jan Orsar, and Zuush is caught by CorSec. Tebrilli gets taken to Coruscant to be broken and trained as an Inquisitor. Zuush is released by CoreSec because they don’t have enough evidence on him.

  • 4 AFE


    Zuush joins the Freedom Network
    Life, Organisation Association

    Zuush is hired for a job by Jing Diwata, who recruits him into the Freedom Network.

  • 4 AFE


    Mon Mothma forms the team
    Life, Organisation Association

    Mon Mothma introduces Nielsen to Zuush, Perl, Cani, and Jaless.


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