Berch Teller Character in Twilight of the Jedi | World Anvil
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Berch Teller

Berch Teller was a captain in Republic Intelligence who served on the moon Antar 4 during the Clone Wars. He helped trained loyalist Gotal and Koorivar insurgent fighters who fought against the Confederacy of Independent Systems. Following the Clone Wars, the new Galactic Empire unleashed a violent crackdown on Antar 4 which claimed the lives of many the loyalist fighters he had helped trained. Disillusioned with the New Order, Teller and several Antar 4 survivors and Republic personnel formed a rebel cell that fought against the Empire. Teller and his followers held a special animus for Moff Wilhuff Tarkin, the architect of the "Antar Atrocity."   With the help of the opportunistic Vice Admiral Dodd Rancit, Teller amassed several warships and numerous droid starfighters. In 5 AFE, Teller and his followers stole Tarkin's corvette Carrion Spike and launched a short-lived insurgency against the Empire; using hit-and-run strikes to target Imperial facilities across the galaxy. These attacks were broadcast on the HoloNet, mimicking the Separatist Shadowfeed holovids of the Clone Wars. Teller's insurgency came to an end after Moff Tarkin and Darth Vader discovered Rancit's collusion with Teller.   Having drawn away Imperial warships from the convoys ferrying supplies to the Death Star project, Teller and his followers ambushed an Imperial convoy near the Gulf of Tatooine. Despite their preparations, Tarkin came to the convoy's rescue and defeated Teller's forces. Teller escaped into hyperspace and later attempted to assassinate the newly-promoted Grand Moff Tarkin on his homeworld of Eriadu. However, Teller fell into a pit and Tarkin, who had known Teller was stalking him, left him inside, believing that Teller had little chance of survival.   Teller somehow escaped the pit, but was later captured and sent to a prison on Ord Vaxal, where he was discovered by the party.


Berch Teller

Sworn Enemy

Towards Wilhuff Tarkin


Wilhuff Tarkin


Towards Berch Teller




Towards Berch Teller


Berch Teller


Towards Chance


Currently Boarded Vehicle


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