Grand Moff Rank/Title in Twilight of the Jedi | World Anvil
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Grand Moff

Grand Moff is a political title in the hierarchy of the Galactic Empire. Grand Moffs are governors of Oversectors, which were grouped star systems and sectors that demonstrated signs of unrest. Oversectors and the rank of Grand Moff were both created at the suggestion of Governor Wilhuff Tarkin in 5 AFE, just a few months ago. Tarkin became the first ever Grand Moff. As a symbol of their charge, Grand Moffs bear a rank insignia plaque with twelve colored squares—a row of six blue squares over a row of three red and three gold ones.     Grand Moffs have a large amount of liberty to subdue insurrectionist regions, and as such have the authority to deploy and command Imperial Military resources, and are allowed to override any Moff or planetary governor. Grand Moffs also have the authority to issue the status of a most wanted bounty.
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