Moff Rank/Title in Twilight of the Jedi | World Anvil
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Moff is the rank held by the Sector Governors of the Galactic Empire. The title was originally created by Supreme Chancellor Sheev Palpatine towards the end of the Clone Wars to consolidate power under his executive authority and away from the Republic Senate, which was one of the catalysts for the submission of the Petition of 2,000 to the Supreme Chancellor by the Delegation of 2,000.   In the fifth year of Galactic Emperor Palpatine's reign, there are a fixed number of twenty Moffs, who answer to the Imperial Ruling Council. Earlier this year, the senior rank of Grand Moff was created and awarded to Wilhuff Tarkin, with Fliry Virru being promoted to the rank soon after. As a symbol of their charge, Moffs wear a rank insignia plaque bearing ten colored squares: five blue over three red and two gold or twelve squares: six blue over three red and three gold.   Moffs are in command of their sector's Sector Group, a formation that contain assets from the Imperial Military and intelligence. Moffs can be appointed by the Emperor or an advisor, but are obligated to report to both. A Grand Moff, overseer of an oversector, can override any Moff.
Civic, Political
Alternative Naming
Sector Moff
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