Diana Character in Tyllus | World Anvil
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(a.k.a. Perchata, Epona, Nephthys)

Diana is the goddess of the hunt and of the moon. She is seen as having dominion over the woodlands, and as a patroness of hunters. As such, she is often depicted as being armed with a bow and a quiver of arrows. Diana's relationship with hunting also leads to her association with sport and contests of physical skill, including the gladiatorial arena. Consequently, many gladiators worship her. Diana is the daughter of Jupiter and Venus, and a twin sister to Apollo. Diana also has power over the moon, and is frequently depicted as carrying it across the sky in a chariot, much the way her twin brother, Apollo, is depicted as bearing the sun. Diana is worshipped as Perchata by the elves, Epona by gnomes, dwarves and halflings, and Nephthys by the River Folk.   Although Diana is seen as a powerful and important goddess by all cultures in the known world, she has a special relationship with the Elves as, according to their creation stories, it was Diana (or to the Elves, Perchata) who created them. Legends say that Elves became creatures of the forest because their creator loved the woodlands so much, and imbued this same love in her offspring. Diana, in the person of Epona, is also very important to Timber Gnomes, who also live in woodlands and are deeply connected to the creatures of the forest.   Diana's clerics and paladins are often armed with longbows rather than swords, and frequently bear the holy symbol of a crescent moon upon their shields or armor. Among all the gods, she is the most frequently worshipped by druids and rangers, who often call upon her power to cast their nature-based spells.   Portrait credit: Diane Seignac

Divine Domains

Nature and Twilight

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Crescent moon; Bow and arrow

Tenets of Faith

  • Diana is a Neutral Good goddess. As such, she values goodness above all else, but is ambivalent when it comes to obedience to the law. She will accept worshipers who are Lawful Good, Neutral Good, Chaotic Good, or Neutral.
  • Diana has a deep enmity toward Asmodeus, who intruded upon her creation of the elves and corrupted some of them, leading the existence of the Dark Elves (aka. Drow). She expects her worshipers to be mortal enemies of the Drow, and to oppose Asmodeus' followers at every turn.
  • Diana accepts votive offerings (the leaving of valuable items without the intention of recovering them) or statuary/figurines of animals, but does not accept sacrifice of live animals.
  • As goddess of the hunt, Diana permits her followers to kill animals for sustenance; she does not look favorably upon wasteful killing of wild animals.

Physical Description

Apparel & Accessories

Diana is typically depicted as wearing a white sleeveless tunic and a skirt, along with sandals on her otherwise bare feet. She usually carries with her a longbow and wears a quiver of arrows on her back. She is often portrayed as being accompanied by animals of the forest such as deer, foxes, or squirrels.


Contacts & Relations

The worshipers of Diana, Venus, and Minerva typically depict their goddesses as being on very friendly terms with one another, andcooperating toward common goals. As such, the worshipers of these three goddesses tend to get along quite well with one another.

Family Ties

Twin sister of Apollo; daughter of Venus and Jupiter.
Divine Classification
Circumstances of Birth
Born to Venus with twin brother Apollo
Long, light brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Aligned Organization

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Character Portrait image: by Seignac, Diane chassant


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