Session 6.5 - The Initiation Report in Tyllus | World Anvil
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Session 6.5 - The Initiation

General Summary

From Laura's Journal
Februarius 26, Camp along the Via Ebrodunum (Nemasus-Ebrum road)
After our adventures in goblin hunting, I was eager to get off on my own a day or two, and with Thiala's instructions I had a reason. Not sure what Bandua thinks of all of this. I do enjoy helping the small critters though and think having a companion animal would be good. I have heard of rangers who have them, but not until talking to Thiala had I heard of folks calling them or thought about how it might be done. She did not (could not?) explain much so I am off to seek this Green Company she told me of. It is a bit cool and wet tonight but Ficus and I are cozy in the bedroll under my cloak.   Februarius 27, on Via Ebrodunum
Uneventful day traveling, spent the night under some pines. It is nice to have some quiet and trees for a bit.   Februarius 28 – the Last Healing Hearth among the Green Company
The weather had cleared and about noon I came to mile marker 567; it is exactly halfway between Nemasus and Ebrum. Wandered south of the road in towards the woods looking for the big stump Thiala had described. I found it; it really is huge, and there was an injured badger inside. She seemed to listen, so I gently touched her and asked Diana’s blessing. It worked again! I was able to heal the badger much more completely than all my attempts with poultices and herbs as a younger gnome. I will have to tell Kleeck! Ficus was liking all the trees and seemed to agree that this is a very nice forest. We followed the game trail down to the lake, Thiala’s directions were good, but I was not sure how I was going to find the green company -- “go east along the creek for several miles” is a bit vague, so I thought I was being hyper alert as I wandered up the creak. But they found me first.   Kekuel is a very large black bear who is companion to Keyleth, a sylvan elf. Keyleth is not so fond of Romans and told me that Kekuel would not obey me, but I get ahead of myself. The first I knew anyone was there was when this large black bear popped up in front of me growling and advancing. Now bears don’t normally do that right away, so I tried talking to him without breaking eye contact. You never turn and run from a bear! I did back up a step when he did not calm down, but I kept talking, asking Diana’s help, but it seemed to have no effect. Keyleth showed herself (they have quite the camouflage here with The Green Company!). She was perched on a tree branch and her greeting was a challenge, so I kept backing up still facing them. However, Paavu and her Wolf friend Ami had come around behind me at that point and I realized the group of humanoids and their animal companions both had surrounded me. I was guessing they were The Green Company, so tried to answer as simply and honestly as possible when the questions came. Showing Thiala’s coin did the trick with Paavu, and she talked Keyleth down. Saral, a halfling woman, and her Erky a giant weasel had also come to investigate and challenge/greet me.   Once I had convinced them that my intentions were friendly and that I was seeking aid in finding a companion, we walked back to their lodge; they call it the Last Healing Hearth. There we met Jarsali and others. Interrogation and coin showing occurred all over again and I was not sure this was going to work. But with explanations and promises of monetary sacrifice from me they seemed willing to help. There are currently 7 ranger/animal pairs at the Hearth, although we rangers are a pretty independent bunch, and I take it that others come and go. I had a lovely dinner sitting with Paavu and Saral, learning much of The Green Company and their ways, and telling of the adventures I have just had around Nemasus. It felt a little like family, something I have missed. But different too. Not the camaraderie of long travel I have with Bandua or the intensity from recent battles that cements the friendship I am building with Hassan and Kleeck but good nonetheless. Paavu had some choice comments and wild stories about Thiala getting into trouble: “biting off more than she can chew” seems to be a theme. I should sleep because tomorrow there is much to learn before the Ritus Vocationis (calling ritual). It is a steep price, 50 gold pieces, but I think it will be well worth it to help protect the forests from the unnatural things that seem to besiege us all these days.   Februarius 29, early evening, Last Haling Hearth
It seems mother’s prayer and meditation lessons are going to come in useful once again. Calling is apparently a meditative sort of rite.   Martius 1, a little before noon. Last Haling Hearth
As soon as I have eaten, we will be off towards Nemasus again. Perhaps others would think my little furry family strange, but Ficus seems to have settled down with the idea that Mkali is our brother now and Mkali understands not to eat “this” squirrel. I think Mkali prefers larger game anyhow; hopefully that won’t get us in trouble down the road. I would love to see the country from which he comes; it sounds like the forest creatures are some the same and lots different. Apparently, there are multiple types of deer-like critters that are not deer? The Ritus Vocationis was a long and intense night and some of the herbs have strange effects when burnt. This means my sense of time went wonky especially towards the end. Then Mkali’s eyes appeared on the other side of the fire; I think Dhonu and Jejuni were as startled as their people when Mkali walked up to me and calmed me. Yes, I called, but it was his choice and pleasure to come from his mountain and the long way along the river. He almost bowled me over with his rubbing, big kitty that he is. Jarsali had to remind me to ask Diana for the help with speech so my communication with Mkali could be clear; it is like speech even though I know he is not using common, Latin or another two-legger tongue. I am glad we have a couple days travel before we rejoin the others. There is something odd about the folk Mkali describes in his homeland calling them ranger/not ranger, indicating similarity, but unsafe somehow, that I wish to explore further. It is clear that he did not like them. But clarity of speech seems to be a temporary gift, it returns, but it is something I can only hold on to for about 10 minutes with Diana’s blessing and not keep up all day long.   Paavu says that I must not take Mkali into towns for fear of the arenas and the people’s fears. I have never understood peoples fears of the forest critters. Yes, Mkali is a big cat, but he is just a cat, a very clever one at that. He will find better hunting outside of towns though. Yet another reason to hunt the unnatural things more and avoid towns – and avoid bounties for those who live in them! Bounties for the unnatural ones, that is a different thing. I wonder what my two legged and four legged companions will think of each other when introduced. Will have to drag the two leggers out of town to hold introductions, I guess.   Martius 2 Late evening, Camp along the Via Ebrodunum
Riding a leopard is something else! Should be in Nemasus tomorrow, perhaps early afternoon at this pace. It is definitely much warmer to sleep in between the paws of a large kitty; I am not sure of his desire to sleep up in the tree though… it may be a good place if he wants to keep watch, but I am afraid I would fall off! I prefer a nice hollow in the ground. Ficus of course though that sleeping in the tree was only natural. My four foot friends seem to have me outnumbered on the idea of arboreal naps!

Character(s) interacted with

  • Jarsali Firahel
  • Paavu Wolftamer Ogolakanu
  • Saral Goodearth
  • Keyleth Hanali
Report Date
06 Jun 2020
Primary Location

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