Skeleton Species in Tyllus | World Anvil
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Skeletons of long-dead creatures can arise if manipulated by magic such as necromancy. Skeletons arisen in such a manner obey only the one who summoned them from what should have been their final resting place. In rare circumstances, skeletons can arise of own volition in response to a corrupting evil presence, or sometimes, after the desecration of magically-protected tombs. The dark sorcery which caused the skeleton to arise also keeps it together without muscle or tendon.  
Whatever sinister force awakens a skeleton infuses its bones with a dark vitality, adhering joint to joint and reassembling dismantled limbs. This energy motivates a skeleton to move and think in a rudimentary fashion, though only as a pale imitation of the way it behaved in life. An animated skeleton retains no connection to its past, although resurrecting a skeleton restores it body and soul, banishing the hateful undead spirit that empowers it. -- Monster Manual, p. 272
  In general, animated skeletons tend to arise from the remains of humanoids, such as Humans, Elves, and Dwarves. However, sometimes skeletons of other creatures can be animated; this will take a more powerful form of magic.   Once arisen, the Skeleton will exclusively follow the orders of the summoner, pursuing its task with single-minded abandon, and heedless of danger to itself.  
Skeletons raised by spell are bound to the will of their creator. They follow orders to the letter, never questioning the tasks their masters give them, regardless of the consequences. Because of their literal interpretation of commands and unwavering obedience, skeletons adapt poorly to changing circumstances. They can’t read, speak, emote, or communicate in any way except to nod, shake their heads, or point. Still, skeletons are able to accomplish a variety of relatively complex tasks. -- Monster Manual, p. 272
  Skeletons will attack without mercy any living creature that gets in their way. They can only be stopped by destroying their bone structure sufficiently that the necromantic energy animating them is no longer capable of holding them together.

Basic Information

Dietary Needs and Habits

Skeletons do not require air, food, drink, or sleep.

Additional Information

Average Intelligence

Low - obeys orders only.
Average Height
Average Weight
25-30 lbs

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Cover image: by DM-Steven


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