Temple of Apollo the Prophetic Building / Landmark in Tyllus | World Anvil
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Temple of Apollo the Prophetic

The Templum Apollonis Fatidici (Temple of Apollo the Prophetic) was one of the earliest structures built in Nemasus, constructed shortly after the Forum. The Romans had chosen Apollo as the patron deity of Nemasus, and therefore dedicated the temple to him so the god would watch over the town and protect it. The temple took four years to construct, and was completed in AUC 373. Since then, the Temple has served the townsfolk, providing regular worship on holy days of Apollo, and tending to the town's sick and poor. Consequently, more citizens of Nemasus worship Apollo than worship any other god in the pantheon.   Like all Roman temples, the Temple of Apollo the Prophetic is closed to the general public. Only priests and acolytes of Apollo may enter. Ceremonies and sacrifices are typically performed outside, at the top of the temple stairs, where everyone can see from the ground level. Inside the temple are statues and paintings of Apollo, and this is where sacrificial and votive offerings to the god are kept.

Purpose / Function

The Temple of Apollo the Prophetic is the chief religious structure in the town of Nemasus. Led by Pontifex Vopiscus Opius, the temple is served by 2 Augures and 7 acolytes. The temple worships Apollo as the patron deity of Nemasus, and tends to the souls of the faithful. Religious services are held weekly on Sun Day (the day of Apollo), and an annual festival is held on September 23 each year to celebrate the dedication of the temple.


The temple is built from white marble with veins of light grey. It is raised on a high platform. At the front, a dozen wide steps lead up to a portico with columns, and a pair of 10 foot tall metal doors mark the entrance. More columns, eighteen feet high, line the exterior sides of the temple. The main structure is built from blocks of marble. There are no visible windows, nor are there any doors except the front entrance.


The temple was dedicated shortly after the founding of Nemasus in AUC 373, when Apollo was chosen as the town's patron deity. It has been in continuous operation during the 16 centuries since its construction.
Alternative Names
Templum Apollinis Fatidici
Temple / Church
Parent Location
Related Report (Secondary Locations)

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