Session 4 - A Night on the Town Report in Tyllus | World Anvil
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Session 4 - A Night on the Town

General Summary

From Laura's Journal
24 Februarius, AUC 2103
The Pilgrim's Perch, Nemasus – a little after noon.   We came in from our adventures in the graveyard a couple hours after dark last night. The guards were a little flustered at our late approach to town, and especially flustered when the oldster showed off the gristly trophy, he brought along but did let us through the gate. I know we needed it to convince folk as they don’t ever seem to see what is right in front of their noses, but ick.   We headed straight for the Pilgrim’s Perch, and I for one was thinking of diner and bed it had been a long hard day. Successful but tiring. Apparently, Hassan and Kleeck have way more energy than Bandua and I do. Or maybe Hassan just has to chase girls… Anyhow they went off to The Foamy Mug Tavern and I went off to bed. Seems like they did quite some carousing and apparently Kleeck cannot hold his drink. He was a mess this morning, asking why the lights were so bright and for some reason apologizing to Hassan for being a “weepy wing man” and scaring off Gaia. I guess Hassan brought Kleeck back to the in rather than pursuing his flirtations. I was amused that Kleeck said wine made "unwinged" dancing "almost beautiful."   The oldster was up early (after all we were going to get paid if we could get it out of the ineffective prefect). We had another argument about delivering bounties and somehow, he won again. I may have to think of an alternative time to have that discussion. I am perfectly capable of the deliveries; I just don’t like them. We would not need so much money if we stayed away from towns more. There still seems to be a lot odd going on in this town. We dropped off the head and got paid. (Yes, I counted the coins!) Hassan came along and talked up the Centurion woman -- not sure he got much out of it other than she is both very loyal and very frustrated.   We met up again with Kleeck who had been to the Temple, he seemed if anything more off-feather than at breakfast. I don’t know what was ill at the temple, but something is definitely odd. I have been watching how he calls on Apollo to make magic including healing so asked him about it as perhaps I could be more effective if I call on Diana. We headed outside of town to the east to discuss it further and perhaps practice, at least that was the plan.   As we left the town gates we came upon a wagoner and some other folks who were quite upset having hit a squirrel. It was injured, normally at home, before this wandering with Bandua, I would have tried splints and poultices, might have helped the wee one some, but generally such aid was not enough. Occasionally something seemed to aid me when I tried to call on Diana, and this is what I had been wanting to talk to Kleeck about. He thought now with the squirrel was the perfect opportunity and taught me an incantation in Latin. And it Worked! The Squirrel was healed. He seems a lively fellow and quite friendly I think I will call him Ficus as he seems to want to travel with me. I will have to tinker with things and be more focused calling on Diana, but maybe I can also improve on understanding the small folk as we head into unfamiliar territory.   This all appeared to settle Kleeck a bit as well, but he was still not eager to talk about his morning at the temple. We headed back to town and met up with the others for lunch. Bandua had sold the sacks of grain and turnips as we don’t have time to make them into field rations right now. Hassan had been to The Third Eye again for another reading and got a translation of that odd letter . It seems to have something to do with the temple which got Kleeck into more of a flutter. We are off to hunt the folk kidnaped from the farms this afternoon, so I had better finish packing up, give the healing kit that we picked up at the apothecary for Bandua to him and such. I doubt we are getting back to town tonight.

Rewards Granted

150 Experience Points

Missions/Quests Completed

Character(s) interacted with

Sextus Satrienus
Numeria Durionia (Centurion)
Ianthe Kentavros
Gaia Aselia


In his visit to the temple Kleeck saw an odd statue of a woman in older style armor with eyes covered and moth gagged. He was quite disturbed by this and has not told the rest of the party about it yet. Given the contents of the letter something is very off in town still.   Hassan has extracted a noncommittal "perhaps" response from the Centuar woman, Ianthe Kentavros, in response to asking her for a date if he managed to solve the goblin problem to the north.   Ianthe did another cartomancy reading for Hassan, and came up with the Unicorn, the Sword, and the Forest. (Hope, Violence, and Nature/Wilderness.)
Report Date
10 May 2020
Primary Location
Secondary Location

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