The Pantheon Building / Landmark in Tyllus | World Anvil
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The Pantheon

The Pantheon is a unique temple within the Roman Empire. All other temples are dedicated to a single deity, but the Pantheon in Rome is dedicated to eight deities -- the eight who do not have their own individual temples within the city. The Pantheon is also structurally unique, as most temples are square or rectangular, but the Pantheon is a massive domed structure with a rounded interior. Inside, the Pantheon has a unique architecture as well with, eight altars arranged around the perimeter of a perfectly circular rotunda, interspersed with alcoves for prayer and meditation.  The eight deities honored in the Pantheon are:
  • Mars
  • Ceres
  • Juno
  • Mercury
  • Neptune
  • Pluto
  • Vulcan
  • Bacchus
Across from the Pantheon's entrance is another alcove, covered by a tapestry of Emperor Valerian. Behind the tapestry is the same statue the heroes have discovered in other temples, of the woman in ancient armor, with a bound mouth, holding her finger to her lips. This statue covers a hole in the floor that leads to a 10' x 10' room the like of which the heroes have seen before. In the room was a carving of the same woman as depicted in the statue, with a marble stela, or cover plate, beneath her feet. The cover plate had the letter "L" carved into it. Moving the stela revealed another inscription.

Purpose / Function

The Pantheon serves as a religious center in the city of Rome for the eight deities who do not have their own temple in the city.
Temple / Church
Parent Location
Owning Organization

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