Zialle al-Sel Character in Tyllus | World Anvil
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Zialle al-Sel

Zialle al-Sel

Zialle al-Sel is the last known surviving member of House al-Sel, also known as the Court of Jackals, former ruling family of the Protectorate of Aegyptus. She is the youngest sister of Cleopatra XXII, the last Queen of Aegyptus, who reigned until AUC MMXCIX, at which time the Yuan-Ti conquered the whole region. So far as anyone knows, all other members of the Court of Jackals have been killed (and probably eaten) by the Yuan-Ti... only Zialle escaped, by transforming into a cat and fleeing the carnage.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Zialle al-Sel was a young and impetuous princess of the royal Egyptian Court of Jackals, and like all members of that court, a born sorceress. She never paid much attention to security, so she often ditched her guards to explore the bazaar. One day, when she was alone, she was spotted by Sabaf al-Azzi, youngest brother to Arsinoe XIV, ruler of the rival Court of Scarabs. Recognizing by her Jackal wristband who she was, Sabaf and two friends kidnapped her, stealing her out of Menefer and into the Egyptian desert.   However, along the journey back to Carthage and Arsinoe's court, Sabaf and Zialle fell in love, and he did not have the heart to bring her to torture and eventual death. He attempted to contrive her escape, but his two friends caught them, and Sabaf and Zialle were forced to use sorcery to defend themselves. Having killed two members of the Court of Scarabs, Sabaf knew he could never return to his sister. Likewise, Zialle could not bring a member of that court to her sister. Thus, the two fled to the Ancepti Coast, to live among the Tabaxi, who care little for human politics. They married, and Sabaf had his Amulet of Scarabs and Zialle's Wristband of Jackals altered so that their forms were hidden from prying eyes. He also had them modified to detect each other's presence, so that he and Zialle could always find each other. For about a year, they had peace.   Then, when Zialle was expecting a child, Arsinoe's top assassin, a shape-shifting sorcerer known only as "the faceless one," found them, and they had to flee. They took ship to Rome, and on the way there, Hassan was born. They stopped briefly in Ostia for Zialle to recover, and then moved from place to place, finally stopping in Cohaeris. They thought this would be far, and remote, enough to keep them safe. But they were wrong. The faceless one found them again. Fearing that he would discover Hassan, and that this would make the baby the target of both courts, Sabaf and Zialle decided to leave him with Nan, an elderly and kind innkeeper, for his own safety. Sabaf left his pendant with Zialle, because he did not want the faceless one to be able to track her through it, and he then went to lead the assassin away. Zialle left the pendant with Hassan, so that she could find him one day, fully intending to return in a year or two. Then, she returned to the Court of Jackals for protection from the faceless one.   However, when Zialle got back to the Citadel of the Sun in Menefer, Cleopatra was so overjoyed at seeing her that she gave a 2-day feast in her honor. The Queen was in such a good mood that Zialle thought she could confide in her about Sabaf. Zialle was wrong; Cleopatra became enraged, and placed Zialle under house arrest, where she stayed for almost 20 years. Only when the Yuan-Ti invaded Menefer and laid waste to the city, destroying part of the Citadel, was Zialle able to shape-shfit into a cat and make good her escape. Then, she thought of perhaps returning to Hassan. But her first stop in Carthage taught her that the faceless one was still after her, and she realized that she must never return to Hassan as long as Arsinoe was still out there. For with Cleopatra dead, Arsinoe is now the only claimant to the throne -- unless it is known that Hassan, the child of both courts, exists.


Family Ties

Zialle is the mother to Hassan al-Selazzi, and the widow of Sabaf al-Azzi (deceased).  She is also the sister of Cleopatra XII al-Sel, and daughter of Cleopatra XXI al-Sel, both deceased.
Neutral Good
Current Location
Current Residence
221 Baker Street
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
115 lbs
Isis (Juno)
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Latin, Common, Egyptian

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