Session 36 - Things that should not be Report in Tyllus | World Anvil
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Session 36 - Things that should not be

General Summary

Laura’s Journal III Maius, AUC MMCIII
My brain is still rattling with all we learned of Hassan’s past from his mother Zialle, so I can only imagine the things he is thinking right now. It seemed a good time to take up one of these local tasks for item adventures that are available at the Exchange to distract him while we wait until he can visit again. Of course, given what she said, I would be unsurprised if she vanished before Hassan can visit her again. Not something I am going to say outright, the oldster would tell me not to get that involved, I think. Mkali seems to believe that the graveyard outside the fountain gate is in the possession of evil and I believe that is one of the tasks available that the others were interested in so we will see. It certainly made Mkali unhappy, and he was avoiding the area until I called him.   We headed out to the graveyard mid-morning so as to see the place in daylight and came to the specified mausoleum. Scouting around it we saw a goat head panted on the floor in front of the alter. Which is extremely not right. It got Kleeck’s feathers all in a ruffle, and Tertia’s back up not to mention Mkali’s tail twitching. Good thing I left Ficus to play with Tertia’s little cousins for the day! Not much was doing upstairs so of course we went down. And found ourselves amongst Zombies! I guess we have learned a lot these past few months what was so hard to fight and so terrifying back in Nemasus seemed somehow easy and a simple warm-up today. The couple of Ghouls were a little tougher but were dispatched with ease and the party was not at all ruffled by anything but stench. Of course, there was also the presence of what should not be when we finished them off. Looking around we saw another painted goat head and felt a draft coming from a crack under the altar down here. Too many things being where they should not! This should have been the bottom floor and the bodies should all have been neatly in their sarcophagi not wandering undead to be skewered and blasted by us. Mkali really does not like the taste of zombie! He was much more interested in cleaning up than in investigating more. Bandua moved the altar and we found stares going down underneath it.   We proceeded down with caution and at the bottom we found four two-headed dogs and a couple of cultists of Orcus. How people get to following such foul gods I do not understand. So back into battel we went. The dogs were tough and really got Mkali, but he kept fighting right along, I think they bit Tertia too and it made her a tad woozy for a moment and seemed like to fester. One of the cultists raised another zombie out of the pool using some kind of blue orb in the corner and a chant, but we did them in before they could rase the rest. This does not seem to be one of the rooms that should not be there that is related to the old, old messages and tail we have been following but it is still a room that should not be there! It is also not in a major temple so I suppose I should not look for connections everywhere … Anyhow after we dispatched this lot Kleeck dove into the pool and pulled up all the other bodies suggesting we re-entre them in their sarcophagi. Seems like a lot of work, but probably safer to get them out of easy summoning range.   I found another door and more hallways that should not be there. More worshipers of Orcus too! Once we had dispatched some and the one remaining was subdued, we saw that on their altar a frightful book and several scrolls that Kleeck thought might be of use. We tied up and left the one injured but alive perhaps we will get some information out of him, but I doubt he will be that cooperative even when he wakes up from Bandua’s thumping. Wandering down the other way provide interest and almost our undoing. The fowl creatures at the other end of the halwa were, well, fungal? But not like the nice mushrooms of the woods the squirrels so love, or even the pretty but deadlies- these were more akin to Amorphophallus titanium flowers in odor, although that’s a plant not a fungus! They also regrew their fruiting bodies all too quickly. Fire seemed to be the best at beating them and it took a fair bit of our strength to do them in. Had to summon the healing cat for Mkali and I am not sure he likes having an ephemeral companion, but it did help! I wonder what her name is. She seems to just come when we really need healing and I concentrate on it and pray. Now to see about what else besides a pool of what looks like blood is in the room…

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Orcus Cultist
Report Date
22 Jan 2022
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