Lords of the Steppe Settlement in Tyras | World Anvil
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Lords of the Steppe

"We don't care much for whatever pedigree your parents left you. We only care if you are any good at your job."
— Jericho, Retired Advisor to Overlord Zygat

Motivated, enthusiastic, and driven toward absolute self-reliance, the Hakgu Horde is stratified into social classes based on an individual's skills and capacity for societal impact. Promotion of ones hierarchal rank can be done through obtaining enough clout via contributions, dance battles, strategy games, philosophical debates, and sports, which also serve as entertainment. These recreations have also replaced the death battles that were once the hallmark of Horde culture, before Overlord Zygat instituted widespread reforms toward safer challenges. Due to their nomadic nature, the entire population has experience riding and managing mounts, with a great deal of respect placed toward animal bonds. Though the 'sink-or-swim' culture is stressful and often leaves behind those without relevant talents, upward mobility is truly open to any person regardless of background or net worth.
Horde Elite Cavalry
Culture Theme
by KaiRaego (OC)

Articles under Lords of the Steppe

Cover image: by Guillaume Ducos


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