The Banker
Chief Executive of the Obsidian Bank
"Risk comes from not knowing what you're doing."The Banker holds the position of Chief Executive of the Obsidian Bank. They oversee and manage the bank's operations, along with promoting employment, ensuring stable prices, and maintaining moderate long-term interest rates in The Voladrian League. Despite its significant impact on the economy, it is known for having a low profile and preference for working behind the scenes. Rather than appearing in public, the Banker typically liaises with others through non-warforged employees and stays locked in his fault. Nevertheless, their visage is known throughout the region, as their face is minted on the highest value form of accepted currency in Tyras, the Black Card. Made of a perfectly notched Obsidian square using a special technique that only The Banker themself can verify, a single Black Card represents the value of a private vault filled with platinum from the Obsidian Bank (approx. 1 Million GP).
The Banker's Theme
Current Residence
435 lb
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations