The Ice Mirror Settlement in Tyras | World Anvil
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The Ice Mirror

"Throw everyone who comes through the Portal of Nayaena into the asylum lest we have mad ones roaming the street. The Soul Ring is mad enough."
The Ice Mirror is an expansive sheet of permanently formed ice with a nearly perfect reflective property. So magnificent is the dream-like sight that the Ice Mirror has been dubbed the 'heavens on our earth'. The stunning beauty of the place masks its true nature- a place of madness. Though made up almost entirely of ice, visitors claim the ground feels warm under their feet. Spending any significant amount of time on the Ice Mirror is known to cause headaches and hallucinations, cause feelings of being watched, paranoia, or other deranged behaviors. Groups of insane people, referred to as The Mad Ones of Nayaena, wander around the sheet.
Ice Mirror at Night
by shahab-alizadeh
The sky and the reflective ground blurs at the horizon. At night, celestial phenomenon become pronounced, creating a kaleidoscopic show of light. The increased intensity of visuals at night amplifies associated hallucinations.
Region Theme
by KaiRaego (OC)
Included Locations

Articles under The Ice Mirror

Cover image: by Dreyma


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