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Xelez Noct

Guildmaster of the Gravetenders

“Your judgments about another say more about your own character than the character of the person you are pointing a finger at.”
— Xelez Noct
As a member of the reviled Ilythid species, a people known for psionic domination and sentient brain consumption, Xelez has worked tirelessly to win over the people of the Rings of Ilyena. Xelez first gained notoriety for heroically defending the city from a demon attack while disguised as a Tiefling, but once their true identity was revealed, they were initially met with suspicion and hostility. However, the other Guildmasters ultimately intervened and Xelez was given the opportunity to explain themselves. Xelez has stated they are free of the influence of any Elder Brains, the most powerful form of their species which dominate all Ilythids around it. As a free-thinking Ilythid, they pledged that they only consume the brains of volunteers at the end of their lives or the guilty, and has since become a trusted source of information in the city.   As Guildmaster of the Gravetenders, Xelez works to conduct funerary rites and the honorable disposal of the dead. This includes destroying any undead and preventing corpse defilement.
Xelez's Study
Xelez Noct's Theme
144 lbs
Aligned Organization

Cover image: by Nikita Kapitunov
Character Portrait image: by Nikita Kapitunov


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