Ilyena's Guildmasters Organization in Tyras | World Anvil
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Ilyena's Guildmasters

Ilyena's Guildmasters Theme:
As the Rings of Ilyena turn, the massive interlocking gears groan and creak, shifting entire cities on it with each slow tick. Towering buildings and bustling markets move in synchronous suspension, rotating in tandem with the titanic machinery. Ilyena's Guildmasters are a group of twelve powerful guild leaders that rule over the wondrous domain of the Goddess Ilyena, built on three mechanical revolving and weaved gears known as the Rings. The cities, situated in the elemental plane of air, are a marvel of engineering and are said to be used as a giant orrery to predict the fate of worlds and gods.   It is a stratified society, with individuals' rank and societal status determined by their specialized knowledge, performance, and prestige within their respective guilds. Those ranked poorly may be forced to work in subpar conditions, with no means of livelihood other than as experimental data. The highest ranked guildsmen comprise the twelve Ilyena's Guildmasters and wield immense power and influence across Tyras through their established guild chapters across all major factions.
Huwei Island Ring, Rings of Ilyena
by Unknown
Bushan Ring, Rings of Ilyena
Soul Ring, Rings of Ilyena
The Rings of Ilyena consist of three main rotating gears, each with its own unique settlements. Huwei Island Ring is the highest and smallest gear where the wealthiest citizens live in idyllic beachside communities. Bushan Ring is the middle and largest gear where much of the local middle class lives in an airship-fueled transportation hub. Soul Ring is the lowest gear where many tourists, visitors, refugees, and open markets are located in vertically built dwellings. Access to the Rings of Ilyena is limited to teleportation magic or the few mundane portals throughout Tyras, most notably the Portal of Balik and Portal of Nayaena.   Every citizen is required to be in good standing with one of the 12 guilds, and Guildsmen who lose their status may be placed on performance improvement plans or face expulsion. Each guild acts independently, but together, the Guildmasters form a council for decisions regarding the Rings of Ilyena as a whole. The Guildmasters own the most advanced collection of technology known to mortals and are each considered extremely powerful combatants with ambitions to lead the "lesser" peoples of Tyras. They tend to play neutral parties during conflicts in Tyras, but their strategies are aimed at pushing events toward their favored conditions.
Guildmaster of Ilyena's Gardeners, Willow
by Uknown
Willow's Primary Succession
Guildmaster Willow, of Ilyena's Gardeners is a Dryad master of druidcraft and responsible for the Primary Succession project, which utilized Treesinging to terraform land on the gears. Ilyena's Gardeners oversee the preservation of natural lands, rare plants, and endangered fauna throughout Tyras.
Guildmaster of Ilyena's Guard, Dagil Dorager
Ilyena's Guard stops a train heist
Guildmaster Dagil Dorrager of Ilyena's Guard is a Dragonborn Monk in law enforcement. His guild upholds the security of the Rings of Ilyena and protects it from threats both foreign and domestic.
Guildmaster of the Craftsman Consortium, Lakulaka
The Inner Gears of the Rings of Ilyena
Guildmaster Lakulaka of the Craftsmen Consortium is an aging Goliath Artificer who is one of the only people allowed to manage the inner workings of the Rings of Ilyena. Lakulaka and his guild have apprenticed some of the best craftsmen in all of Tyras, as well as pioneered the latest methods of Warforged production. Entire nations have commissioned Lakulaka to produce technology for their needs, from weapons, to farming implements, to construction blueprints.
Guildmaster of the Gentleman's Club, Hitch McConnel
Gentleman's Club Hall
Guildmaster Hitch McConnel of the Gentleman's Club is a tortle monk and possibly the second richest individual in Tyras to The Banker. Any person identified to pass a certain threshold of net worth is invited to the Gentleman's Club. All Rings of Ilyena's finances are managed through this guild and there are rumors of its connection to the Obsidian Bank.
Guildmaster of the Gravetenders, Xelez Noct
Xelez's Study
Guildmaster Xelez Noct of the Gravetenders is an Ilythid. Despite being a mind flayer, a despised race known for psionic domination and sentient brain consumption, Xelez has somehow gained the trust of their fellow Guildmasters. Gravetenders do burial and funerary rites, as well as manage interfaith chapels across the land. The guild itself is not religious, however they are considered "religion friendly" and are often welcomed in places of worship.
Guildmaster of the Librarians, The Archivist
by Olieart
Grand Cartographer of The Librarians
by Donato Giancola
Guildmaster of The Librarians, The Archivist is a warforged that leads record and lore keepers as well as historians. It's said The Archivist itself is one of the oldest known beings in Tyras. Librarians preserve all types of knowledge and artifacts- it is the policy of the guild to not consider political ramifications or public sentiments when choosing what to archive. It is up to the researcher of the archive to interpret the objectivity contained within.
Guildmaster of the Mages Guild, Century
by rudiindra4
Mages Guild Hired Bodyguard incinerates an assassin
Guildmaster Century of the Mages Guild is an Aasimar Chronomancer Wizard, a master of a type of forbidden magic that combines multiple schools to affect time. The Mages guild manages the advancement of magical knowledge and the secrecy behind forbidden spells. They also manage and track the use of powerful magical artifacts, as well as offer their services to those needing the aid of powerful spellcasters.
Guildmaster of the Performers Guild, Sorrow
by Jason Nguyen
The Travelling Illusionist
by necrotechno
Guildmaster Sorrow of the Performers Guild is an enigmatic figure whose true identity remains unknown to all. Speculations suggest that spies and assassins may be among the Performers Guild's ranks, and Sorrow's elusive nature only fuels these rumors. Sorrow is known to use a variety of voices, where each word sounds as if it is coming from a different person, often alternating between gender expressions. The Performers Guild is responsible for managing public entertainment and collecting secrets during their travels to further the cause of keeping peace.
Guildmaster of the People for the Ethical Treatment of Elementals (PETE), Karen McLaren
by Winona Nelson
A Young Karen McLaren duels against the Thrallmaster Guildsmen
Guildmaster Karen McLaren of the People for the Ethical Treatment of Elementals |PETE| is a human swordswoman sorceress and leader of a guild dedicated to promoting elemental rights. The formation of PETE was the result of a successful populist uprising led by Karen against the Thrallmaster Guild, a guild involved in slave trading. After the Thrallmasters destruction, PETE took its place as one of the 12 Guilds. PETE actively opposes sealing magics and slavery, reflecting the organization's counter-movement origins. Karen wields significant financial power over many of the other Guildmasters, with the exception of Hitch, and the source of PETE's wealth remains unknown.
Guildmaster of the Post Office, Lady Muffintop
by Bianca Gonzales
Post Office Terminal Deliveryman
Guildmaster Lady Muffintop of the Post Office is a Tabaxi fighter and the Rank 1 Adamantine Class Courier. The Guild manages international, intercontinental, and interplanar delivery, along with sensitive courier tasks. Despite her appearance, Lady Muffintop has never failed a delivery. She is also known for her impressive feat of killing all 30 Yuan-Ti Assassins hired to take her payload while protecting a bystander. All Post Office couriers are considered to be among the most formidable warriors on Tyras, with Adamantine Ranked Couriers considered the best of the best.
Guildmaster of the Trade Ninjas, The Red Dragon
by @GeFrecht
Trade Ninja
Guildmaster Red Dragon of the Trade Ninjas is a pale blonde woman. The trade ninjas being a thieves guild is the worst kept secret in the land, though they are much better at keeping other secrets.
Guildmaster of the Youth Mentors, Lady Marblespine
The Youth Mentors Teach Rural Students
Guildmaster Lady Marblespine of the Youth Mentors is the dwarven leader of the charitable guild. The Youth Mentors are responsible for spreading education on medicine, good governance, and infrastructure to younger members across Tyras. They hold much influence in rural towns and places where their aid reaches.

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Cover image: by Daniel Dociu
Character flag image: by Hocc-Chliqq


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