Pu Guerde (pu ˈgwerde)

High Priest in Dark Wave


Anyone who ascends to Pu Guerde must be a Warlock, Witch, or Sērtha that went through a Warlock Pact with Qaydith their patron god. The candidate needs to be talented with magic and favored by the god to take the role of his High Priest to the Kasērtha Guvoryu. They are trained by the former Pu Guerde and sometimes Qaydith himself on how to lead the various rites and rituals that the coven preforms.


The new Pu Guerde must be an adult or an elder of the Guvoryu Kāsērtha people that make up most of the Kasērtha Guvoryu. They needed to train with the former Pu Guerde and had to perform all of the coven's rituals with the former Pu Guerde. Once this is done they are ready to the take the place of the Pu Guerde when the former one dies.
Religious, Clerical
Form of Address
Pu Guerde, Guompo or Crombio, Pu Guompo or Pu Crombio
Equates to
Within Kasērtha Guvoryu this title is equal to the Hetu Kɑnabe's Accī title in terms of responsibility. The other titles that Pu Guerde equates to are Guompo (Dark Wave for father, pronounced: ˈgwompo) or Crombio (Dark Wave for mother, pronounced: ˈkrɔmbjo).
Source of Authority
Qaydith their patron god.
Length of Term
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