Sērtha Ūśyā (ˈseːrt̪ʰɐ ˈuːʃjɑː)

Witch Cave in Cisren


The Witch's Cave is located on the base of mountains called The Waves within the Schnuch region of Bridt Sche that isolated from the rest of the country to a peninsula in the north of the mountain. The cave is difficult to find within the crags and cliffs of the mountains. Due to this the cave is naturally sheltered and has been a historically safe place for Warlocks.   The cave is attracted to the larger cave system underneath the Waves but this cave is big enough for a small encampment of Witches or Warlocks of the fridge Guvoryu Kāsērtha who make up most of Kasērtha Guvoryu an organization made up witches. There is enough light and water for them to live and cultivate their livelihoods.


The desert of Schnuch is at the doorstep of the cave which is naturally cool compared to the desert. The interior is surprisingly fine for growing crops which the Warlocks use to live so they do not have to venture to Yutvæ. The spring that is used to grow these crops are Ley Rich Water.

Localized Phenomena

The cave is strangely cool to the point that it is cool compared to the scorching desert which is one reason why people think that the Warlocks did something to the cave.  Locals believe that the reason why the cave is colder than the outside is because caves are naturally cool or that there is a Mana Spring within the cave.


The desert outside of the cave is hot and arid while the interior is cool although sometimes it feels cold.
Alternative Name(s)
Schtrünntä Jieplu (Black Draconic)
Location under
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Ruling/Owning Rank
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