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Teaxerr (Tee-ax-err)

One of the oldest cities of Rivell, Teaxerr was built on the Rivellian coast of the old trade belt, becoming Rivell's major trade port throughout its history. Its position among the Duchies has allowed it to primarily stay out of The Game, and politics in general.  


Early History

With the decline of the Phervian Empire and the rise of the Shadow Republic, a trade belt formed in the southern Gem sea. Taking advantage of this several noble families settled at the mouth of the river Venteux. A small trade port was set up, bringing trade from the south in. The rapid growth quickly made Teaxerr become more powerful than Cean, with the Rousseau family buying the Kingdom from the Florens.  

Decline and the Empire

With the rise of both Lacertillia and the Empire of Akoom, more and more trade was shifting north, weakening Teaxerr. This situation was made worse when the north of Rivell was conquered, a lot of trade being rerouted to Tourlu. The city was sacked and left a ruin as the Empire moved south. For the remainder of the time it had become a minor Rivell smugglers port.  

Rebelion and after

As one of the three starting cities for the rebellion, Teaxerr quickly reestablished trade with the independent or rebellion cities opposing the Empire of Akoom. As good quickly flooded into the south once again the city once again expanded, with its Tiefling population settling up the coast in the sister city of L'or Diable. Within a decade Teaxerr wasn't only bigger than it was but the biggest city in Rivell. The speed at which it was rebuilt however led to little if any planning, making most of the influx of money, this has led to unofficial neighborhoods rather than proper districts.    


Made up of several unofficial neighborhoods rather than the official districts of other cities, Teaxerr is full of narrow allies, markets, shops, and secrets. There are two exceptions to this with the docks being large open spaces with warehouses covering the area. The second is King's Island, home to the Ducal mansion and wealthiest residence, separated from the main city by a bridge.
Founding Date
14 Penem, 34 Rebel
Owning Organization


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