Immortalium Organization in United Britannia and Hibernia | World Anvil
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The Immortals

The Immortalium is a multi-generational family connected to the Magisterium. The Magisterium is the main governmental body of United Britannia and Hibernia and is the most powerful branch of the government, although they do not deal with day-to-day governmental business.   In fact, the Magisterium consists of only the Immortalium, the family that founded the Magisterium in 61 CE.   The people of UBH have no idea the Immortalium is the Magisterium; they believe that the members of the Magisterium are elected semi-regularly in secrecy, and their identities stay confidential.

Family members

The Immortalium consists of the "original" family, plus their partners.

The parents

Caius: Caius was born in Rome in 18 CE to a prominent patrician Roman family. At age 18, he married Sabina, a marriage which was arranged for them by his father. Although the marriage was arranged, Caius and Sabina were happy and content. Caius was a Consul (a senator), and thus, the family was wealthy. Caius was gifted with Time Magic, and therefore, could make almost any situation goes his way. Caius and Sabina co-created the spell for immortality.

Sabina: Sabina was born in Rome in 22 CE, also to a prominent patrician Roman family. At age 14, she married Caius. Although women did not have equal footing to men in Roman society, Caius viewed Sabina as a partner, and thus, Sabina grew to be an intelligent and independent woman. Caius greatly trusted Sabina's advice, and as such, decisions for the family were always made together. Sabina was gifted with Nature Magic, and was able to grow even the most exotic flowers, which she sold to others. She and her husband's curiosity and desire to protect their family from the rampant disease and wars that plagued Rome led them to co-create the immortality spell.

The children

Herminia: Herminia was born in 37 CE. As the eldest, Herminia often took on a leadership role and helped to care for her younger brothers and sisters. Unlike other fathers, Caius insisted Herminia be educated as well (albeit not nearly as educated as her brothers, but much more educated than other girls her age). Like her mother, Herminia was gifted with Nature Magic and so also assisted her mother with their flower business. Herminia was married when she was 15 to Aquila, a man she barely knew but the marriage would increase her family's standings. Although not as successful at marriage as her parents, Herminia was fond of Aquila and they were content. Aquila and Herminia had two children, but both died shortly after birth. Aquila and Herminia both were recipients of the immortality spell.

Lucianus: Lucianus was born in 38 CE. As the eldest son, Caius hoped Lucianus would follow in his footsteps to become a Counsul, and that was indeed Lucianus's goal. Lucianus was an avid reader and diligent student. Lucianus was gifted with Elemental Magic, but usually preferred to not use his magic often. Lucianus was married at age 22 to Aelia, a marriage that was largely unhappy due to differences in personalities. However, Lucianus did allow Aelia to become a recipient of the immortality spell. Lucianus and Aelia had not yet had children.

Septimus: Septimus was born in 41 CE. As the second eldest son, Septimus was free to choose a career, and so he chose to be a lawyer. Septimus wasn't as diligent of a student as his brother, Lucianus, but Septimus did well enough in school that he was able to become a lawyer. Septimus was gifted with Psychic Magic, and he enjoyed telling fortunes for his family and friends. Septimus had not yet married when he became immortal but was engaged to Octavia, who was also gifted with psychic magic. Unlike his brother Lucianus, Septimus did not marry whom his father had chosen and was going to marry in secret. However, Septimus revealed to his parents his love for Octavia, and so his parents allowed them both to be recipients of the immortality spell.

Julius: Julius was born in 43 CE. Like Septimus, Julius chose his own career and worked in financial administration. Like his brother Lucianus, Julius had been an earnest student as well and he excelled with numbers. Julius was gifted with Time Magic, but unlike his father, Julius didn't use his magic often. (Julius believed altering time often could be damaging.) Julius had not yet been married or engaged and, in fact, seemed utterly uninterested in a romantic relationship, much to his parents' dismay. Had Julius not received the immortality spell, it is likely he would have been forced to be married.

Livia: Livia was born in 44 CE. Livia enjoyed school and was dismayed when she learned she could not have the same career opportunities as her brothers. Unlike most patricians, Livia was interested in the human body and would have loved to have been a doctor. However, she was unable to be (not only was she a girl, but also a patrician). Instead, Livia, who was gifted with Potion Magic, channeled her desire to help others by creating potions for those that needed medical help. Like her brother, Julius, Livia was not interested in a romantic relationship, although her father had already chosen a husband for her. However, Livia managed to not meet him, and so only Livia was a recipient of the immortality spell.

Caecilia: Caecilia was born in 45 CE. As the youngest, Caecilia was doted on by her parents and siblings. Most considered Caecilia to be flighty but also vivacious and clever. Although Caecilia had access to a more structured education, she preferred to bury her nose in a book. She was gifted with Elemental Magic and enjoyed dressing down and going out to perform "tricks" for Romans that didn't have magic. She had been engaged to Quintus, a man Caecilia adored, even though Quintus was 11 years older. Both Caecilia and Quintus received the immortality spell.

The Beginning

After becoming immortal, the Immortalium were faced with where to live; Rome was dangerous and tensions were building, so Caius and Sabina decided to move their family. After some deliberation, the parents decided on the newly Roman United Britannia and Hibernia, where they heard that a new magical city had been founded. A long journey later, the Immortalium arrived in Ilyrium. The Ilyrians viewed the family as wise (they seemed well-traveled) and it was obvious the family was wealthy, and so there was no protest when the Immortalium set up the Magisterium. The Magisterium was founded in order to fairly govern the Ilyrians and to provide funds to build certain institutions so that Ilyrium could grow. The Immortalium took their role as the Magisterium very seriously, and Ilyrium prospered under their tutelage.

The following centuries

For about six centuries, the Immortalium ruled Ilyrium fairly. The citizens of UBH knew of the Immortalium's immortality, and although they often had requests for the spell, the Immortalium felt as though too many immortals would disrupt the natural balance. The Immortalium built the Academy, the Institute, and the Athenaeum. They also built the Great Library and went to great pains to fill the library with books from across the world. They funded the Circus of Wonders to entertain the masses and the Menagerie to house exotic animals. With the masses being educated on a widespread scale, Ilyrium grew at an impressive rate and prospered greatly.

The beginning of secrecy

In the 700s, the Immortalium began to tire of the constant requests for immortality. The witches of UBH argued that immortality would not affect the natural cycle, and it was unfair for them to keep such a secret. The witches accused the Immortalium of wanting to hoard the secret for selfish reasons and protests began to break out to revolt against the secrecy.   The Immortalium managed to tamp down on the protests with promises to release the secret "soon" and then distracted the masses with various funding projects. After a generation, the Immortalium destroyed all records of their immortality from the Great Library and began to head the Magisterium in secret. The Magisterium began their practice of wearing black cloaks to hide their identities and announced that those elected would have their identities kept confidential. The Immortalium had achieved two goals: first, they were no longer pestered with requests for the immortality spell, and second, they no longer had to be held accountable for their actions.


The lack of accountability that came with the secrecy allowed for corruption to slowly permeate the family. The Immortalium had become quite wealthy and enjoyed the absolute power they held over UBH. The family's goal for the Magisterium to serve as a fair branch of government disappeared and the Immortalium began to only desire power and wealth. When the Council was first founded, it was to serve as a sort of checks and balances to the Magisterium; around the 1500s, the Magisterium had complete dominion over the Council. The Immortalium also instituted exams and promotions in order to test--and sometimes monitor--the power of their citizens. Additionally, the Magisterium instituted a law in 1666 that non-magic people should be executed at birth (the law was later repealed in 1892 at the urging of the Council). The Immortalium was now mired in corruption and had completely lost sight of their original goals.

The Immortalium today

The corruption that had permeated the family in the last few centuries is now at an all-time high. The Immortalium are greedy, drunk on power, and apathetic to the needs of those they govern. Their main desires are power and wealth, and they utilize their total control in order to gain more of both. Although the Council deals with governmental day-to-day business, the Magisterium can--and does--overrule them at any time. Currently, the Magisterium has plans to institute a law that witches must level up if the Magisterium deems the witch capable of doing so. The Immortalium are very interested in Vesper Cross and his power.

"It's strange, don't you think?" Vesper asked. "The Magisterium has been around for 2000 years, and not once has someone gotten drunk or wanted to impress someone they were dating and accidentally said, 'Oh yeah, and I'm a Magisterium member.'"   I stared at him. I had never really thought a lot about it much, to be honest. But it's true; there would have to have been thousands of members and not one had ever slipped up. "Maybe...maybe the reprecussions are so serious..." I trailed off.   Vesper shrugged. "I mean, maybe. But when you're out with friends and alcohol loosens that tongue, the repercussions never seem that serious, you know?"   "Then what are you suggesting?"   "I'm not suggesting anything. I'm just pointing out an oddity is all." Vesper went back to the translation and I went back to my beer.


The Immortalium is headed by the parents, Caius and Sabina, with their children playing supporting roles. All decisions are made by democratic vote, and a majority must be reached before a decision is made. If there is a tie, Caius breaks the tie.


Both because of their immortality and their role as the Magisterium, the Immortalium are tremendously wealthy. The Magisterium owns all governmental buildings, and taxes are paid annually to them as well. A small percentage of taxes are kept by the Immortalium and so their own personal account, having been filled for almost 2000 years, is quite full. The Immortalium also own a large castle in Hibernia that they portal to nightly. The castle is full of rich furnishings and luxurious modernities.

Ultimum Potentiae

The crest: The Immortalium's crest has been in use since 61 CE, although no one has really viewed it in hundreds of years. The purple represents royalty and their dominion over UBH. The moons symbolize immortality; like the moon, the Immortalium will always exist. In addition, the moon is meant to represent secrecy; like the moon, the Immortalium belong in the night (or secrecy).

Founding Date
61 CE
Subsidiary Organizations
Notable Members
Organization | Apr 19, 2022

The most powerful part of UBH's government

Organization | Apr 19, 2022

One of the governing bodies of UBH


Author's Notes

Written for A Family Affair 2019, except I'm an idiot and missed the deadline by a day. But this would have been my entry!   (Honestly, I know that the crest's explanation is tenuous at best, but I honestly just liked how it looked so I'm just kind of going with it.)

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