Alea's Victory Party

The day of Sigrblót is a hard day for any changeling who has opted out of going through the Blót ritual, and Alea is no exception.
Not participating in the yearly celebration leaves a very lonely night with bad thought, so Alea is trying to fill the evening with others to make the evening about something. To make it a night to look forward to instead of a night to dread.
As soon as she got her own appartment, Alea has focused on making her home a safe space for herself and her friends, within the city.
While the appartment isn't large, by any means, it does grant a great space for a group of friends to hang out together, whether it becomes wild revelry or a more chill event.


To avoid taking part in the traditional Sigrblót, and keep their minds away from the celebration, Alea and her girls decided to make their own little celebration of their own victories in the form of a more modern party, and they had a great night, so they decided to make it their own yearly tradition.


It's all about enjoying a good night with friends, which includes meeting in the afternoon, eating dinner together and have some fun with movies and/or alcohol.


Alea is the host, and the usual guests are Zeldine and Alice and whoever else have time that year.


The party takes place on the day of Sigrblót at the spring equinox.
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Cover image: Alea Sleeping by Doodles Most Foul


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Aug 4, 2024 03:35 by Deleyna Marr

Interesting hints about your world!

Aug 22, 2024 07:19 by Doodles Most Foul

Thank you! I had a couple of directions for this prompt, but went with the one most directly tied to the story, I'm going to tell.

Doodles is struck by a Fey Mood.