
Not to be confused with a skin-changer

While not a true species in itself, a changeling is an umbrella term for a child left in place of a human child by a Fey parent unable or unwilling to care for her own offspring.
In modern times, a changeling has come to be considered more of a species in its own right, as many don't become the Fey species, they are supposed to, due to their displacement.

Basic Information


A changeling appears human in all aspects and usually grows and matures as one as well.

Ecology and Habitats

Changelings live among humans for their entire childhood. Some return to their fey world, while others remain amongst the humans.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Changelings eat what humans eat. A common trait though is that they have a big appetite and a big affinity for milk.

Biological Cycle

As an umbrella term for swapped children from many fae creatures, their origin can have a major impact on their biological cycle.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Usually heightened or at least peak perception, but many changelings are also prone to some mastery of illusion, enchantment or the like.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Most changelings go by their human name. In fact many are oblivious to their True Name that they are given by their fey parents.
When they reach adulthood, their heritage is usually revealed to them, where they either reclaim their True Name as their own or claim their human name as their True Name, and it becomes so.


The method of switching a human infant for your fey child has been common practice among the fey since time immemorial.
Nowadays in the Time of Unravelling, the tradition of having humans do the upbringing of a fey child is still prefered to many fey folk, but they disagree on how to go about it.
Some still sneakily switch children, which has prompted humans to invent tests to cull out their "fake" children, leaving the changelings to less desirable upbringings, pleasing no-one.
Others try to sell the idea of child swapping as something desirable for all parts, however many humans are skeptic to this idea.
Alea With Coffee by Doodles Most Foul
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Geographic Distribution
Related Organizations

Articles under Changeling

Cover image: Alea Sleeping by Doodles Most Foul


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