
Nymphs (Greece), Rår (Sweden), Kodami (Japan) etc.
A nymph is now known to be the first stage of an Elf's life (or their first life).
These are fae bound to a place, object or creature, coming into existance at the same time.
Whether the fae existed in Otherworld in another form before being bound is something still debated.

Basic Information


Nymphs generally resemble humans. In many legends appearing as young maidens

Growth Rate & Stages

A nymph lives in relation to their bound counterpart. They usually reach young adulthood fast, and holds a youthful appearance for the rest of their lives as nymphs.
Most fade away as their counterparts dies or are destroyed, however some reach a point where their spirit strength outgrows their form, and they become full Elves.

Ecology and Habitats

Their environment vary extremely, as all manner of nymphs are bound to all manner of things, but most are stuck in their original environment, unable to leave or handle change.

Dietary Needs and Habits

A nymph needs what its counterpart needs, and usually gets it though the counterpart's consumption of it.


Most nymphs are joyful, simple-minded creatures, stuck in a loop revolving around their counterpart - disinterested or unable to grasp the larger world around them. Not necessarily dim-witted, just very focused on their connection and the thriving on their counterpart - A state of mind generally referred to as Compulsion.

Additional Information

Uses, Products & Exploitation

In parts of the world, people have opened their eyes to the power nymphs hold over nature, and see them as a valuable asset.
Example: A nymph might live in symbiosis with a farmer's grain field, and as she is allowed to remain there and is respected, that grain field happens to yield a better harvest.
This might just seem to be coincidental at first, but every year it happens to be the fields hosting nymphs that thrive, and then some decide to get acquanted with the nymph, in the hope of keeping a good thing going.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

The entire world is inhabited by nymphs - even the remotest of places.
However there are fewer of them now than there used to be. Some tie it to polution or other ways our planet must be "sick" or "weakened".

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Their names are usually somewhat reminiscent of their local culture.

Major Organizations

While disinterested in politics and power, some are active members in their local comunities.

Relationship Ideals

Usually small-scoped, many nymphs take a deep hold of anyone who they actually notice and find themselves enamored in, potentially becoming very clingy and jealous in nature, expecting to be the sole focus of their beloved.

Common Dress Code

A nymph is comfortable in the temperatures of their natural habitat, and doesn't need clothes for warmth.
Many legends depict them as naked, which does come natural for them, given that they have often been invisible to human eyes, and therefore seldom drawn an unwanted crowd.
Since the Unveiling more has taken to wear something, many due to a want to fit in or some curiosity to human fashion rather than shyness.

Common Taboos

Stealing a skin from a skin-changer, felling the tree of a dryad.
The list is long, but the short answer is to not mess with their Bond or Compulsion, which will often lead to death, curses and sadness.


Legends of nymphs have followed humanity throughout all of recorded history, however they have had many names

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Many a nymph has been involved with many a human, throughout history, often pertaining to short romances, artistic inspiration or vile curses.
Several stories tell of children produced by such meetings even.
Nowadays relations are more often occuring, but vary widely throughout the world:
In some places, they are shunned and driven away, in other places they are gathering crowds, and other still they are left to their own devices.
Romantic relations between humans and nymphs are not unheard of, but in most cases, they're probably kept very private, for a fear of how others might perceive such a union.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Conservation Status
Nymphs are protected by the Elves, taking great measures to keep them safe, politically and physically.
Related Ethnicities

Cover image: Alea Sleeping by Doodles Most Foul


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