
A Dís or (or plural Dísir) is an honorary title extended to all residents of a certain ancienity and repute in any Northern European based Fey community - a Fey Grove. And those refered to as such includes the leaders and advisors of the community - Often a role taken by the oldest and wisest women of the local Àlfs or Vettirs. The role best equates to a mayor or city counsil member.

A Dís will typically also be the one to lead the ceremonial Blót events - At minimum the yearly Dísablót.

The word 'dís' is an old norse word, meaning 'woman', and this use of the word is new, and came with the first Fey Groves.


The qualifications are pretty straight-forward. If you are of a certain anciennity and repute, you are a Dís, however it requires dedication to a Fey Grove to have your oppinions acknowledges at the same level as the residing Dísir.


An arriving Dís is treated as an honored guest, and are given good rooms and kept well fed. Their wisdom is generally welcomed.

Accoutrements & Equipment

Nothing official connect or sets apart a Dís - The society just knows.
In some cases, a Dís might opt to wear something more formal looking than what they would otherwise wear.

Grounds for Removal/Dismissal

While it hasn't happened yet, a Dís could be witheld from decision-making by the other Dísir or - if relevant - residing Fey or Vettir royalty.

Notable Holders

Thrud Thorsdottir.
Civic, Honorific
Current Holders

Cover image: Alea Sleeping by Doodles Most Foul


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Aug 21, 2024 13:11 by LexiCon (WordiGirl)

Intriguing and informative article.   Thank you so much for entering this article category! Quite an interesting read. If you would like me to feature it on one of my reading streams, please feel free to drop by my Twitch channel anytime I'm live and let me know you're watching. (check the schedule here). God bless and much success with your future plans! <3

Aug 22, 2024 07:11 by Doodles Most Foul

Thanks! I usually find Titles one of the hardest template to fill out :)

Doodles is struck by a Fey Mood.
Aug 23, 2024 14:03 by LexiCon (WordiGirl)

yeah some of the templates are definitely more challenging than others, but I think you did quite well with this one! :)