Fey Grove

A Fey Grove is a general term for a city quarter made to accomodate a city's fae and changeling minority.
It is often a repurposed park or includes one, and more often than not it is gated in one way or another.
In some cases a Fey Grove is placed above Fairy Mounds


Despite the name, the largest demographic of a Grove are Changelings, followed by Lesser Fae and usually only few High Fae if any.


A Grove is often a relaxed community, lead by several elders, one of which is the outward representative in city matters.


The first Fae Grove was established within a year after the Fall of the Great Veil.
It was in Scandinavia the first Fae Folk were officially recognized and more amicably accepted than in most of the world. They were given quarters in several large cities as proposed by the spokesperson of the local Fae population.


Often the pre-existing buildings remain as they where, but any building needed beyond those are often reminiscent of the local culture of old, and often in more traditional materials, such as wood or perhaps sandstone etc.
Alternative Name(s)
Grove, Glade
Related Ethnicities
Inhabitant Demonym
Included Locations
Related Traditions

Cover image: Alea Sleeping by Doodles Most Foul


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