Garden City Wildhunter Section

The local chapter of Wildhunters have a compound by Garden City, where they have all they need to operate as a military unit.
The team is expected to protect Garden City and its vicinity from Convergence Events or threats from any known Fairy Mound within their district.
They are expected to always be prepared to mobilize in case of an emergency. To assess and act to limit civilian casualties, end threats and - if necessary call in the army, and hold their ground until the army arrives.
The section consists of three squads - one always being ready to act at a moment's notice. If called out another designated squad is told to muster in case of another break-out while the first squad is away.
These squads are named following the ICAO-Alphabet:
Alpha, Bravo and Charlie.



They are covered in military grade armor, and carries whatever gear and utilities might help give them an edge in a scap or on a mission in the wilds of Otherworld.


The Wildhunters are armed with automatic rifles, pistols, grenades and knives, but is prone to change based on personal specialties.


Like every squad, the GC chapter has an Armored Personnel Vehicle and an armored helicopter.


When a squad is out they are led by a field commander


Every member has an extended military background and is screened for the job.


Logistical Support

The base has a military helicopter for quick deployment in far away or remote places, and an APV for ground deployment, if required.


For the potentially dangerous job, a hefty pay is given to the employed. Furthermore much is given to make sure they have the equipment and firepower for their job.


Promising soldiers are closely monitored and screened before being offered the job. They are required to be highly professional.
Special Forces
Overall training Level
Assumed Veterancy

Articles under Garden City Wildhunter Section

Cover image: Alea Sleeping by Doodles Most Foul


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Aug 17, 2024 21:22 by Marjorie Ariel

This seems wise. One never knows what will become of a fairie mound.

Aug 22, 2024 07:16 by Doodles Most Foul

Yup. In-world experience dictates that they usually stay quiet, but when something bad happens, it ain't pretty

Doodles is struck by a Fey Mood.