Scene: Sigrblót Year One

Another year another fucking Sigrblót. Most of the changelings of age are preparing for their call to true feydom back at Evergreen, but us girls are getting ugly drunk on Zeldine's smuggled vodka in a bathroom stall in the hottest club of Garden City. The more reasonable choice by far. Fuck feydom and fuck what it takes from us.

"Pass me the bottle," I call out, pretending not to notice Zeldine doing a line on the toilet tank.

"We're out," Kass answers. The empty bottle clinking as she sets it on the floor with a sigh.

"Fuck! Then I'll give a round," I say, painfully aware that my delivery job makes me the only one capable of paying anything. Thank God for Damselfly Delivery.

"Let's get fucking out there!" Zeldine yells with her 'renewed energy', as she flings open the stall door so hard, some poor girl cries out in shock.

We enter the main room just in time for happy hour, and Zeldine is off for the dance floor, while Kass and I head for the bar. Sigrblót falling on a friday this year, the club is decently packed. Too many flocking the bar not to buy big when I finally get my turn and add ten shots to the drink order. Trying to ignore the judgmental stares of the chick clique next to me. Kass' gothic aestetic stands out in this place, but our pointy ears even more so. I actually think our gang are the only changelings who come here.

"Aren't you people supposed to be home for some cult ritual tonight?" one of the girls sneers.

"Nah, we're out scouting slouchy, sagging pussies for the trolls, and I think I just spotted one!" I snap back. I don't take that fucking tone from some smart-ass bitch. Not tonight.

"Bitch, what did you say?" she replies, turning to front me. Here we go.

I'm about to double down on the arrogant, lanky turd, when Kass' pale hand enters my vision with a shot, and I blink and realize that maybe I should just stick to drinking. I down it and turn to grab the tray, before sending daggers to miss bitch and leaving the bar.

"I'm sorry," I say to Kass after some deep breaths. "I just... can't-"

"...I know," Kass answers solemnly. "Just don't... get us thrown out, while we still have shots!" she adds with a cheerful smile. We put the drinks on a bar table, cheer and run through the shots in quick succession. Zeldine is living her best life on the dance floor. Somehow she's already sipping on a drink and in her hand between dance moves, but that's my favorite blue party girl for you. We join her as the DJ starts dishing out eurodance classics, and the night begins to pass in short flashes in the blur of booze.
I'm out vomiting, and I can hear the loud moans of Zeldine going at it with some fortunate guy in another stall.
I'm in a hair pulling, bitch slapping match on the streets with the provoking girl from earlier. It takes both of Kass and Zel and the entire chick clique to pull us from each other yelling profanities.

Flashes stop as time steadies, and we're at the bus station. Arrived just too late for the last bus, and I'm starting to sober up enough to talk coherrently, when Zeldine enthusiastically blurts out that she has a place we can crash. Kass seems hesitant, but I'm up for anything involving a soft bed right now, so I tell her to lead the way. After half an hour of walking it's starting to feel like a wild goose chase, when she stops before some expensive looking appartment complex. Some guy she met online, she says - a mercenary of some kind. A voice calls out over the intercom, and Zeldine puts on her most innocent and pleading voice, when she says, she has some of her girls with her. God, he didn't even know we were coming. Probably just expecting a booty call. Kass and I share a weary look. Some long seconds passes and the door unlocks with a buzz.

"Hey, hey, none of that," Zeldine whispers loudly, noticing our glance. "He said they were partying. And there's room to crash here. Just... have some fun and trust me, okay?" She puts her hand up in a prayer and the most broad innocent smile.

"God, Zel, okay. They better have booze enough up there, cause I'm coming down fast!" I say as I take a deep breath, and let her lead us up to a top floor appartment, where we knock and a huge hunk of a man with a short beard bareley opens the door, before Zeldine jumps him in a catcher hug.

"MARKUS!" she yells joyfully.

"Woah, hey, Zel." He holds her in one hand, and strokes her hair with the other, before looking to me and Kassandra and smiles. "Come on in. There's booze on the table and boys in the couches," he laughs and lets Zeldine jump off.

"You know just how to please a girl," she says flirtingly, and winks back at us before entering.

Leaving our shoes in the entrance, I take in the room, and realize there's not much to tell anything about this Markus - a lot of military boots and a couple of framed photos from deployments, I persume. Heavy rock i blasting from the living room as we enter, and he wasn't wrong: The centerpiece is a sofa table stacked with half-empty bottles of hard liquor. Around it a couple of couches another four buff men are sitting, all dressed in the same camo pants and tight black t-shirts outlining every muscle. As they all turn to look at us, I feel the sudden panicked need to impress them any way I can.

"So this blue beauty is Zeldine," Markus starts introducing. "And these"

"...the equally stunning, but hopelessly thirsty and sober Alea and Kassandra!" Zel takes over, waltzing around us like she's introducing the main attraction at a cabaret. Fuck it, if we're already performing, I'll give them a show. I head for the table, grab a quarterfull bottle of vodka, chug it down, spread my arms and do a slow bow for the audience, earning me some confused and amused glances. Then I drop down in an open spot between two of the boys - The less blocky of the bunch with a wispy mustache and a broad shouldered hottie with loosehanging long brown hair.

"That's the spirit!" Markus guffaws, and then he names his four comrades. I don't really listen, but the hot one besides me is called Falk, and the other one is douchily introduced as the ex-lady Reinhart, offering Markus a middle finger in return.

Cover image: Alea Sleeping by Doodles Most Foul


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