Scene: Keeping Fit

Lindwurm Fitness - Garden City's only training facility for The Hidden People. It has just about everything. Even those who are bold enough to try out human studios return here pretty fast. For legal reasons it is open for the general public, but few dare come. Even if they drop by to look at some elf-tail, they get spooked when a sweaty troll starts working out next to them. In some ways, LF is even more otherworldly than Evergreen - As the city has expanded, the area around the Grove has become too crowded for some of the "roaming nature" types. Animal-human hybrids usually fit into that category. But some still come into the city for this place even though I'm sure they could get their training done in the woods. Maybe it's to check out the city fay. I don't know, but I don't mind. It makes it feel a bit magical.
These are the things I contemplate, as I stand by the punching bag, drinking water. I come here to run track mostly, but I do some kickboxing here too. Not that I'm a professional athlete or fighter in any regard - I just like working up a sweat occationally. And working out some aggressions constructively, as they say. In truth I'll jump at anything that allows me to punch something, when I'm angry, and I have reasons enough that it builds up naturally. Actually, that's not the only reason for boxing. I strongly believe it's something all of us should learn. Be able to protect ourselves when some assholes come looking for trouble. I can feel the anger rising, as I'm working myself up thinking about these things, and I start working the bag.
A couple of months ago, a changeling couple - Ritter and Sophie - had been walking home late from the city, and some drunk humans had surrounded them. Beating Ritter up bad, and Sophie had gotten some hard punches too, before the pigs had run off laughing. I was livid. I could have gone to every fucking pub in town and smacked every dumb-ass face until I had found the right ones, but Zeldine and Lív had talked me out of it. Instead I spend every waking hour beating punching bags here for about two weeks, before I had calmed somewhat down. I can't remember the last time, I've been that mad about something. Sometimes my mind still wander there, and the rage comes back in full force, till I punch it out of my system.
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Cover image: Alea Sleeping by Doodles Most Foul


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