Simgrav technicians
Simgrav technicians are in charge of making sure that the simulated additional gravity on various planets and moons doesn't fail, and for fixing it when it does. The job is an essential one outside of Terra
A simgrav technician approaching the profession by the degree method needs a degree in physics and, preferrably maths. They need to have a working knowledge of how gravity works and the percentage difference between ideal gravity and natural gravity on whatever planet or moon they're working on.
A technician approaching the profession by the apprentice method will need to be an apprentice for about 3-4 years. They will need to be able to learn about gravity and the mathematics behind the job.
Career Progression
An apprentice simgrav tech will begin with just observing the job. When they first begin to tinker with the simgrav, they will start, with guidance, working with the satellites. After proving their competence, they will begin to learn how to work on the simgrav webbing.
Payment & Reimbursement
Simgrav technicians can earn up to ?40,000 a year.
Other Benefits
The job comes with no real benefits. The majority of the population don't realise how complicated the job is, and only really notice the job when the simgrav fails. When this happens, feelings towards simgrav technicians are normally negative, as people feel like the failures of the gravity boosting reflects badly on the job.
It's funny, y'know. People don't recognise our jobs until things go noticeably wrong. And then, when things go wrong and they do notice us, they just say 'Hey, aren't you one of those simgrav techs! What the fuck is wrong with you! The gravity failed for two hours yesterday!' So you either go unrecognised or hated in this job.
Fixing simgrav webbing and satellites, ensuring that gravity stays constant.
Either underground (when fixing webbing) or on satellites in orbit (when fixing satellite signals)
Alternative Names
Simgrav techs, sim techs, grav techs
Necessary outside of Terra.
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