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Brandt Korbinan von Aschenfeldt

“Can beauty rise form ashes?”

The Learned Lord Rambrandt Korbinan von Rabenturm auf Aschenfeldt

Brandt von Ashenfeldt of Rabenturm, commonly known as Brand von Ashenfeldt was a once-human sorcerer and adventurer from Prausterland who ascended to godhood. Known as the "Ashencrow", the "Erudite Raven" "the Corvid Chronicler" and "Keeper of the Infinite Archive", he is a minor demigod of cartography, magical bloodlines, knowledge, literature and scholars, as well as patron god of the city of Rabenturm auf Ashenfeldt, ravens and sorcerers. The Learned Lord embodied the talents of scribes, sages and the studious, he preached the value of studying and understanding, of seeking new and preserving old knowledge Although ad demigod, he is a just lesser exarch of Nimblebottom along with many other godlings, quasi-deities, and lesser deities, who was his superior, and thus only served Lord of All Wonder indirectly. Hence, he had no strong evidence of worship on Urbûn, though as patron god of magical bloodlines, he had earned moderate veneration from sorcerers.   Formerly the once mortal Chosen Archmage and Lord of Rabenturm auf Aschenfeldt , Brandt was granted the status of an exarch as his reward for his greatest deed in life slaying the Archmage of Necromancy, the Lich-Lecturer, Salvador during the Battle of The Alliance of Salvation, thus ending the calamity.

Divine Domains

Knowledge,Arcana, discovery,

Tenets of Faith

Knowledge, particularly the raw knowledge of ideas, is supreme. An idea has no weight, but it can move mountains. The greatest gift of humankind, an idea outweighs anything made by mortal hands. Knowledge is power and must be used with care, but hiding it away from others is never a good thing. Stifle no new ideas, no matter how false and crazed they seem; rather, let them be heard and considered. Never slay a singer, nor stand by as others do so. Spread knowledge wherever it is prudent to do so. Curb and deny falsehoods, rumor, and deceitful tales whenever you encounter them. Write or copy lore of great value at least once a year and give it away. Sponsor and teach bards, scribes, and record keepers. Spread truth and knowledge so that all folk know more. Never deliver a message falsely or incompletely. Teach reading and writing to those who ask (if your time permits), and charge no fee for the teaching

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

At first glance he may not seem like a big threat. But underneath the hood of his cloak there is a face marked with the mark of the dragon. His eyes are fiery red and has a feint glow to them like embers. His true skin colour is tanned,. His hair is raven-black . His back, torso, neck, hands and arms are not covered by skin, but fiery red and gleaming silver dragonscales.

Apparel & Accessories

Staff of the Magi,Tome of Clear Thought, Tome of Leadership and Influence, Bracers of Defense , Periapt of Proof against Poison, Boots of Elvenkind, Cloak of the Manta Ray, Goggles of Night, Ring of Mind Shielding   ,Backpack   ,Bedroll,Book,Case, Map or Scroll,Chest,Clothes, Fine -- Clothes, Traveler's   Crowbar   Dagger* Dagger   Grappling Hook   Hammer GearAdventuring Gear   Waterskin bottle of black ink a quill a small knife raven hiil patches ravenhill heraldry pin ravenhill map leaf (useless)

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Brandt Korbinan von Ashenfeldt's recorded origins stated that he was born to Volkram Rochus von Ashenfeldt, the late lord of the city Rabenturm auf Ashenfeldt. When asked about his past Brandt calmly replies that he was born in the city of Ravenhill also known as the forge of Preamor. It suffered a dragon attack and Brandt was the only child that survived. Though others supposedly survived, no one knows for sure. His aunt and uncle Evelyn Ravenshadow and Albert Ravenshadow from the nearby village, Blackburn, found him amidst the burning rumble. They adopted him as an infant a raised him as their very own. He began his studies of the arcane arts in the town of Weaselton at the age of 14. Cedrick was his truthful and patient master. While in training he met a fellow student, Lorien Greenleaf. They became friends, best friends and then soulmates and lovers. They secretly became married in his fifth year, he practiced his innate powers for three more years until he gained near to full control of his powers and therefore he ended his training. Lorien and Brand departed ways after a hefty discussion, which he feels guilty for. Lorien left and they have not spoken since. He travelled for the lands for 3 years as a hermit. When he was 22 he meet a monk from the temple of the hand; Michael "the unbroken"Evergreen Jojima. Together they went on many adventures. They established themselves as an adveturing party under then name, Bounty Force. they tracked down the man resposible for the mage-murders, realising that their nemesis was no ordinary adversary, it was Salvador Bronson! together with the help of Davos Goldfyre, Berk Mountainborn, Derek Wildman and Kathlín Wyntrsolv Borgrimsdottir. They ended the calamity and killed Salvador. His ascension to godhood came through his famous deeds: the successful, and profound near-sacrificial confrontation and slaying of Salvador and later founding of Ashfield's Academy for Heroics. For these accomplishments and devotion to his patron he earned sponsorship to demi-divinity by Nimbelbottom and the undying enmity of Salvador following the The Undying Reaper's return.  
As a Demigod
As a mortal man, Brandt was hungry for knowledge of all matters arcane, and in his search for it he studied several ancient archmages and mastery in the field of draconology in the hope of finding forgotten magical secrets. Eventually his dedication lead to him being granted the title of Learned Lord, the first of his kind, recognized by Nimbelbottom as his most promising mortal pupil. At some point, after the events of the Calamity, in the Year of The New Dawn, 1 PC Brandt became an exarch of his patron Nimblebottom.

Gender Identity

he, him


bi curious


He began his studies of the magic arts in the town of Weaselton at the age of 14. the Hermit Cedrick was his truthful and patient master. teaching him of the waeve, how to use his powers, how to he practiced his innate powers for 5 more years until he gained near to full control of his powers and therefore he ended his training.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Disinegrated Salvador Bronson.

Failures & Embarrassments

getting trapped in a timeloop by Salvador Bronson, for 2 years. letting him acti out his pla un rifeled.

Mental Trauma

Brand had a deep loathing for his fire abilities, which he got unexpectedly from the dragon Ratan, as it symbolized the dragon's destrucive power towards Ravenhill and his mother as well as what he was born to be: a living reminder of the tragedy that happened there, a reputation that he detested. As such, Brand decided to rely solely on his freezing power and never use his fire in battles, going so far as to deplete his ice power before using his fire to symbolize his rebellion against Ratan. Brand often felt bothered by Ratan's mere existence, and could barely contain his anger while talking about him, especially whenever people brought up the death of his mother.

Morality & Philosophy

The goal of a life of study is the betterment of oneself. The path to power and self-improvement is through knowledge.


Family Ties

  • Kathlín Wyntrsolv Borgrimsdottir, wife


calm and relaxed. soft spoken, breathy. queens english. does not swer unless angry


Cha Arsurinya Jojima


Towards Brandt Korbinan von Aschenfeldt


Brandt Korbinan von Aschenfeldt


Towards Cha Arsurinya Jojima


Brandt Korbinan von Aschenfeldt

Husband (Vital)

Towards Kathlín Wyntrsolv Borgrimsdottir



Kathlín Wyntrsolv Borgrimsdottir

Wife (Vital)

Towards Brandt Korbinan von Aschenfeldt



Divine Classification
Neutral Good
Current Location
Other Ethnicities/Cultures
Honorary & Occupational Titles
  • The Learned Lord
  • The Ashencrow
  • The Erudite Raven
  • The Corvid Chronicler"
  • The Keeper of the Infinite Archive
Year of Birth
23 AC 55 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
his birth was both a tragedy and a miracle. his mother was burned alive along with the rest of the city of Ravenhill, the magic of the dragons breath infused with him, and started the birth.
He,him, his
heterochromic eyes one ruby red and one saphire blue
Raven black
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Tanned skin covered with red and silver scales
Quotes & Catchphrases
...And now, embrace eternity!
— Brandt's final words to Salvador Before disintegrating him
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
Abyssal, Common, Deep Speech, Draconic, Elvish, Giant, Infernal, Primordial


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