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Cha Arsurinya Jojima

The Immortal Dragon Cha Arsurinya Jojima (a.k.a. Michael, The unbroken)

The legendary wandering warrior known as The Imortal Dragon was one of the many legends that reside in the world of Urbûn. Cha Arsurinya or more commenly nicknamed Michael was a monk training at the monastery located in Kingdom of Prausterland for most of his life before setteling out in to the world. Seeking bigger challenges, more brutal and vicious fights, seeking to prove himself as a great warrior and a master of martial arts. He ended up going down in history as the greatest and strongest, never to be defeated, never to fall in battle, emerging as myth and a legend.   His debut as a adventurer he had found a quick rise to fame, getting his name quickly known throughout the land. As an up and comming adventurer he had gained some allies, there was Derek Wildman a skilled archer, Berk Mountainborn the dwarf fighter, and "Lord of Lionsden",Qumandyhr-vizar, Voice of the Crown Dahrwoush Aurelyon and Kathlín Wyntrsolv Borgrimsdottir a barbaric goliath warrior from the tribes in Njorskarmarkr . one of them being the Master sorcerer Brandt Korbinan von Aschenfeldt, but at the time he was only a shell of what he was to become. Punch Punch Salvador Bronson he dies

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Honed his body to perfection, himself has become a lethal weapon. Through vigorous training, countles years of meditation, he has masterd the mental and the physical art of combat. His body is lean and muscly, keepng himelf fit and flexable. He has mastered to move at speeds that make him imposible to catch. Being able to run on walls, liquid and so fast it's said he could break the sound barrier, only being shown as a blur when running. On top of this he posseses immense precision, striking with lethal force. No poison or disease can affect him.w With a boon given to him by a God he has become Immortal.

Body Features

Even if he lives forever he still can be wounded. It's shown through his many battle scar that decorate his body. Each one he could tell you a grand boasting tale about how he got. He has decorated his left arm with a tattoo depicting the adoult red dragon that he slew, Ratan the Hell flame.

Mental characteristics




Studied at the monk monestery in Prausterland


He is a teacher at Ashfield's Academy for Heroics. Teaching cooking, Martial arts, and outdoor survival.

Accomplishments & Achievements

  • In the beginning of his adveture Michael and his friends took down the dreaded Vulture Pirats that were terrorising the city and coast surrounding the City of Thunderwave.
  • One of Michaels many achievements was slaying Ratan The Hellflame, which he was most known for in his adventure.
  • In the search for clues of the wearabouts of Salvador Bronson Michael and his fellow companions were lead to the giants looking for answers. The giants sent them on their way to the capital to warn the queen about Salvador Bronson and his plans but, after landing in the city the people found them untrustworthy and they were tossed into the gladiator pit do to the not only the damages done to the city after landing. This was Michael and Dahrwoush Aurelyon's first time in Storms End and they were forced to fight an adult green dragon in the arena which ended in a stale mate after a long hard battle fought with Dahrwoush Aurelyon passed out from his wounds and Micheal left as the last man standing against the Monstrous dragon.
  • They set sail out to the sea, they sought out the Kraken after learing that Salvador Bronson had put the phylactery in the belly of the beast. After a long heartfelt battle Cha Arsurinya dealt the final bloww killing the Kraken, he wasted no time ripping out the phylactery and destyoing it right then and there.

Failures & Embarrassments

He once tripped and fell while training with his fellow monks in the monestery

Mental Trauma

Was bullied for being behind and to weak during his time at the monestery He also bullied and teased by the other monks for not having parents and looked down upon as being less then them.

Morality & Philosophy

  • His pilosophy is "No one has enemies"
  • He carries a ideology that one person needs to greet life's hardships with a smile and determination
  • He will never give up on his dreams and will always carry his indomitable spirit into battle

Personality Characteristics

Likes & Dislikes

  • Likes cooking in general but especally for his family
  • Likes teaching people who are willing to learn
  • Likes telling jokes in general
  • Likes doing things together with his Wife and children
  • Likes spicy foods
  • Dislikes things that are to sweet or to sour
  • Dislikes rude people
  • Dislikes litter & people who litter
  • Disliked Dahrwoush Aurelyon with a fury and fiery passion.(justly so)


He trains alot and tries to keep himself well groomed and clean after each training. Usually taking long baths and smells of Lavender & Vanilla with a hint of the smell of rain. He uses a chewing stick to keep his teethy clean and likes to chew on mint leafs after each meal to smell fresh. He washes his hands often to keep clean f.exa. before dinner, after bathroom uses.


Family Ties

Hobbies & Pets

  • Has a small red pseudodragon named Orgos The Swift.
  • His hobbies are Training, Gastonomy/Mixology, Gardening, Reading & Writing and going on nature trips with Lierin.


Himari Jojima

Daughter (Vital)

Towards Cha Arsurinya Jojima



Cha Arsurinya Jojima

Father (Vital)

Towards Himari Jojima



Jiro Jojima

Son (Vital)

Towards Cha Arsurinya Jojima



Cha Arsurinya Jojima

Father (Vital)

Towards Jiro Jojima



Kenji Jojima

Son (Vital)

Towards Cha Arsurinya Jojima



Cha Arsurinya Jojima

Father (Vital)

Towards Kenji Jojima



Cha Arsurinya Jojima

spouse (Vital)

Towards Lierin Jojima



Lierin Jojima

spouse (Vital)

Towards Cha Arsurinya Jojima



Nicknames & Petnames

  • Ai armiel telere maenen hir (You hold my heart forever)
  • amakiir (gem flower)
  • amastacia (star flower)
  • Durmista (Forest of Twilight)

Commonalities & Shared Interests

  • Hunting
  • Cooking/gastronomy
  • Tending to their garden/Botany/Herbalism
  • Playing board games
  • spending time in nature/exploring
  • Shopping/walking around and looking in the market

Legal Status


Cha Arsurinya Jojima


Towards Dahrwoush Aurelyon


Dahrwoush Aurelyon


Towards Cha Arsurinya Jojima


Cha Arsurinya Jojima


Towards Brandt Korbinan von Aschenfeldt


Brandt Korbinan von Aschenfeldt


Towards Cha Arsurinya Jojima


Wealth & Financial state

Divine Classification
Chaotic Good
Current Status
On a mission to find the worlds greatest and strongest warriors he can find. Too see if he can taste defeat or become a God in the prosses. whatever comes first.
Current Location
Other Ethnicities/Cultures
Honorary & Occupational Titles
  • Michael The Unbroken
  • The Imortal Dragon
  • Prausterlands last hope
  • The Warrior Of Liberation
  • Dragons Bane
  • The Demon Of The East
  • The Indomitable Spirit
Date of Birth
12th of Mirtul, 8286 AC
Year of Birth
251 AC 283 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
Was born under the unfortunet setting of a war within the eastern empire, and left to be raised by the monk monastery for his own safety
Yuèguāng zhī dì
Lierin Jojima (spouse)
Current Residence
Rabenturm auf Ashenfeldt
His eyes ever so sharp and focust. Eyes the color of sharp amber with a rim of true sapphire
His hair is a deep brown put up in to a messy bun. Having shaved his sides with the remanding hair when put down reaching his shoulder blades
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
His skin the color of white oak, decorated with numerous scares telling a tale of his many battles
5'7" or 170 cm
158 Ib or 72 kg
Quotes & Catchphrases
I'd like to see you try
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Elvish, Common


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