The Imperial Qyzharate of Duryad Organization in Urbûn | World Anvil
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The Imperial Qyzharate of Duryad

"Fall, you kingdoms of luxury, for The Eternal State of Splendour shall Conquer"

The Sublime Qyzharate of Duryad's Greater Imperial Realm, commonly known as the Qyzharate of Duryad (DIS or D.I.S.) or informally, Duryad, is a multi-ethnic, militaristic, dragonborn-ruled empire on the continent of Naghron. Duryad is located on the southern islands of Naghron including Thrakos that was once eastern Fionmagh. The Qyzharate has grown immensly in population and has encompassed territory with impressive speed and efficency. The bulk of the dragonborn population resided in the lands surrounding their capital, Djerad Sikta, a massive city more than twice the size of Garagorm.


The Imperial Qyzharate is a dynasty and practices equal primogeniture, in which the eldest child inherits the title of Qyzhar/Qyzharah regardless of whether they are male or female.

Government workers

As the Qyzharate grows, the number of qualified Duryadi workers ss too small to keep up with the rapid expansion of the qyzharate. Therefore, Haleema allowed many of the local government workers in conquered provinces to keep their jobs under the new Duryadi government. Thus, much of the local government's work is recorded in Orcish , Gnoll, Gol-kaa, even Goblin and several other languages.


The Duryadi absorbed some of the traditions, art, and institutions of cultures in the regions they conquered and added new dimensions to them. Numerous traditions and cultural traits of previous empires (In fields such as architecture, cuisine, music, leisure, and government) were adopted by the Duryadi, who developed them into new forms, resulting in a new and distinctively Duryad cultural identity.   Slavery was a part of Duryad society, with most slaves employed as domestic servants. Agricultural slavery, such as that which was widespread in Ashad, was relatively rare. Unlike systems of chattel slavery, slaves under Imperial law were not regarded as movable property, but maintained basic, though limited, rights. This gave them a degree of protection against abuse.

Public Agenda

The Sublime Imperial Qyzharate of Duryad is largely concerned with the keeping of law and order within its borders, providing all people who dwell within her borders equallity, a place to call home that isn't total anarchy as it has been for centuries, knowledge to the unenlightened and the conquest of her hostile neighbors, the The Crowned Chiefdom of Fionmagh and the Tzardom of Mekrad. So long as it is left to these tasks and allowed to promote its maritime-martial culture, expand its influence, spread their ideals of equality and enlightenment and as well as to uphold the societal values of the Duryadi people, it is content.   They exist to promote peace as well as to uphold the societal values of the Durish people.


The Duryad Royal Army guards and expands the Qyxharate on land, The Duryad Royal Navy guards the coastlines and engages the enemy at sea.


Duryad has its humble origins as the displaced the native tribes of ashad, who fled the Dhômm'ahssid Empire's constant expansion and migrated by sea from Ashad what is today Southern Naghron -7690 ac and settled and divided into a patchwork of independent Duryadi principalities known as the Naghronid Djerate. One of these Djerates, in the region of Duradhur on the frontier of the Barzulanor Dominion, was led by the Duryadi tribal leader Durbarum I a figure of obscure origins from whom the name Duryad is derived. Zalhor's early followers consisted both of Duryadi tribal groups and Barzulanor renegades. Durbarum extended the control of his principality by conquering Barzulanor towns along the Zuhlya River. A Barzulanor defeat at the Battle of Zalhor contributed to Durbarum's rise as well. It is not well understood how the early Duryadi came to dominate their neighbors, due to the lack of sources surviving from this period.   The Previous Qyzhar|Qyzharahs of Duryad are:
  • Dahrmuyahd I - First Qyzhar of Duryad, founded the port city of Djerad Sikta and was buried in the Royal crypt
  • Hasdrubal I
  • Hasdrubal II Established the current Imperial Navy by reforming, organising and merging several Duryadi Fleets and the Barzulanor following his conquest.
  • Deman I Founded The Duryad Royal Army, the brought the Raihun Wastes under the control of the crown, daring cavalry commander, slain in battle.
  • Merhan I
  • Dahrmuyahd II

Demography and Population

The bulk of Duryad's population is composed of humans and dragonborn, most of them descendants of the survivors of The Calamity (humans), although a few dragonborn were also immigrants from Ashad who had traveled to Duryad to join the Duryadi clans. Although Dragontortles were a minority of the Duryadi population, they were openly accepted by the people. Kobolds and Goblinoids also were a minority in the outlying Duryadi settlements.   While the majority of the population, unllike in most of the world, is equal parts human and dragonborn, there are large groups of other races. Tieflings, Kobolds, even Dratuga and, especially, Genasi are very commonplace. You will also see more of the races sometimes not welcome in other regions of the world. A hard-working gnoll is given as much of a chance here as a dwarf is. And an gnoll who doesn't provide is as useless to society as any other human, dragonborn or genasi who doesn't.   The southern parts have a sizable kobold and goblinoid presence. The coastal parts have a stronger presence of water genasi, tritons and dratuga than the inland areas.   Humans are the most common in the Gholdahar dominated regions, even if they weren't a majority on their own. There are plenty of earth genasi, gnoll and half-orc, some bugbear and hobgoblins, and many of the hardier other races. There are many nomadic tribes still and used to be many more. Horses and other mounts are a way of life. And a way of warfare. As such, hunting was most popular than farming for most of Gholdahar. Their artisans developed techniques that allowed them to work while travelling.


Towns & Cities

The "Fortress of the Sun" is the capital and crowning jewel of Duryad's Imperial Qyzharate. It is considered a pilgrimage site for followers of Arden, Bahamut and Sardior. Djerad Sikta rested just west of the Trade Way, south of the Gholdahar Wastelands and north of the Bay of Coin. A walled trading hub north- east of Shalzun, just north of the Cloud Peaks along the northern Trade Way. Mekisr Altiui was also the open center of Uzurhish Syndicate activity. Duryad's main military city, in the north, located in the eastern part of the Qyzharate, of the eastern coast of Thrakos
  • Arusad (pop. 47,733)
A gem-mining town that previously contained many gold and iron mines.
  • Wadrun (pop. 29,101) (Was the capital city for a short time.)
  • Narbo
  • (pop. 210,000 in 145 AC, 143,687 in 88 AC,[ 0 (annihilated) in 0 PC)
  • Sashor A bustling trade port, and trading rival to Zalhor
  • Zalhor a medium-sized city that was formerly the capital of Barzulanor
  • Halnoran gnoll city that agreed to submit to imperial rule in exchange for some limited autonomy. It was founded by refugees from a disaster which befell the Naful Plains
  • Sahebul
  • Vhara
  • Shalzun


  • Turador (pop. 12,000)
A highly profitable Duryad port in Euron, Turodaor was well-defended, protected by three gates and a high wall.
  • Rauraci (pop. 20,000)
One of the Eastern-most settlements, Rauraci was controlled by Duryad through the Lady Pervin Ozbehk.


Duryad boasts one of the strongest militaries in the world in both sheer numbers and in their training and supplies. The incredible wealth of the empire allows it to keep hosts of trained and well-equipped soldiers on a constant payroll to defend the nation's borders, keep the peace within its cities and townships, and patrol the widespread trading routes to ensure the sedation of bandits and highwaymen.   Most of Duryadh's modern forces exist in the form of a standing army due to the numerous amount of professional military men and women remaining from wartime leaves little need for the raising of levies now that peace is negotiated across most of the state's borders. The majority of these soldiers now reside in the clanholds such as the capital city Djerad Sikta, serving to enforce the law, protect and escort government officials and members of the nobility, and ensure these largest cities have a force of defence ready for any unexpected large-scale assaults.     Although the some of Duryad's armies is still sourced via the old allotment system of regional clans and their private armies they raise and supply, there has been a growing shift towards the building of a standardized, professional military as the kingdom has grown and made further attempts at northward expansion.   All citizens spent some time in duryad's highly trained army, and the population was ever-ready to take up arms again should their country be threatened.   Since the Naghronid Djerate, the Duryadi army had used the so-called allotment system to raise troops. In 287, Qyzharah Deman I completely reformed it, establishing what modern historians refer to as the "new allotment system". Under the new system, Duryadi Clanholds were to provide the crown with regiments of 1,200 or 3,000 men, complete with weapons and uniforms. Either independently or as rote (Teams) of no more than twelve , Citizens would contract with the crown, in with each rote providing and supporting one soldier, including giving the soldier a suitable home and a garden plot. Each cavalryman is additionally provided with a horse. In exchange for these burdensome policies, each rote was granted a reduction in taxes.  

The Dzjhassaries

A relatively recent creation of the Duryadi armies, the Dzjhassaries are the most highly-trained and well-equipped members of Duryad's forces. Most often serving as guards to the Qyzhar(ah) and similar high authorities or locations of great cultural or economic importance, the order was first instated by Qyzhar Merhan I and was comprised entirely by slave fighters captured during the ongoing war against Raihun. A slave revolt which occured in 1391 wherein the Dzjhassaries turned against the slave-drivers and drove Duryadi forces away from the city of Sahebul before the Grande Raihun Horde subsequently seized the territory once again lead to the complete restructuring of the zarytaries force into what would become their current form.   Modern Dzjhassaries are not entirely sourced from the bodies of foreign slaves but instead mainly selected from among Duryadi children who show prowess and obedience when fighting in the Royal Army Caadet schools. Following the model of the slave gladiators common in the Capital of Djerad Sikta, they are now paid a handsome wage for their services and live in relative luxury compared even to other military higher-ups.   Any prospective initiate of the dzjhassary forces is allowed to be no older than twelve years of age once chosen, and thereafter begins to serve full-time under the tutelage of his selector. Over the course of his training, a dzjhassary initiate will be subjected to strenuous physical labor alongside studious pursuits of alchemistry, engineering, mathematics, and sorcery. Additionally, he must show nothing but complete and unquestioning loyalty towards his commanders, his Qyzhar or Qyzharah, and the state of Duryad as a whole. Many of the young initiates selected will die before having the chance to prove themselves in war, and more than a few are executed for suspicion of treasonous intent or exiled for failure to exhibit progeny in any subject or skill.   The dzjhassaries were credited as the primary reason for Duryad's swift victory against Barzulanor forces during the Siege of Zalhor which was brought to a quick end after dzjhassary forces reached the city following three weeks of prolonged conflicts at its walls and tore through the invading army via the use of explosives and Great Djeradi Bombards.


Moreso than most other countries, the Qyzharate's people are a simplistic and accepting long as a creature can contribute to the whole, get along, and assist in the shared goal of survival, religion takes a backseat to such things. If they prove an issue, they are killed or punished, regardless of what god they believe in.

Foreign Relations

With the western neighbor, The Crowned Chiefdom of Fionmagh , they are currently in at the brink of full on war, having recently endured a bloody war only 22 years ago, they now know a sort of Cold War with each other, and they both are regaining their strength and searching for ways to win the future war before it can even begin...or at the least, get a leg up on their foe before the war begins anew.   The Qyzharate of Duryad considers itself a major world power, rightfully so, and has dedicated itself to the defense of its people against evil and injustice. It's most relevant political neighbors are the The Grand Chaliphate of Ashad and the Nympharum Concord, both of which Duryad has good relations with. A lot of this trade is done via sea and therefore they keep extra contact with any ports along the coast as well as the cities on the northern part of the Continent of Ashad .   As for its other oversea relationships, Duryad considers the human nation of Fionmagh as a potential threat, and to be the most recent in a long line of conquest and benevolent enlightenment. Any other nation based on other continents does trade with Duryad and both Duryad and the other nations usually do not interact much more than this. Despite this, The Qyzharate of Duryad does not trust the Crowned Chiefdom of Fionmagh due to their militaristic tendencies and their recent mage purges, but as far as the Qyzharate of Duryad is concerned, the Fionmagh are too busy dealing with their rival to pose a threat.


As a land focused on uphold law, order and to promote the societal values of the Durish people. Duryadi laws are highly regarded by its people and both renowned and notoriously regarded by outsiders as a maze of rules and regulations. Durish law focused first on the rights and privileges of its citicenry, and to avoid conflict and confussion amon foreign traders and outsiders entering its land, the following laws and their typical punishment has been posted at all major entry points to Duryad, By 32 PC.  
  • "All persons entering Duryad must register with the officials of a border garrison."
  • "Foreign currency can only be used in certain locations. Please exchange your coins for Duryadi golden dragons at your first opportunity."
  • "Adventurers must acquire a charter before undertaking any operation as a group."
  • "All weapons must be peace-bonded. The only persons exempt from this law are members of chartered adventuring groups and members of mercenary groups that can offer proof of employment."
  • "Harming Axebeaks, Elephants, Gypsocuta, Horses, Wyverns, Skimwings, Sabre seals, Hyenas or any other protected species is strictly forbidden, and punishable by 8-15 years incarceration, and/or a fine of 6000 gp, or execution."
  • "Bow your head to royalty and the local nobility."
  • "The secret police have the right to search you upon request."
  • "Hunting on private land is forbidden."
  By 32 PC, these following laws of Duryad cover various recorded rules, regulations, proclamations, and guidelines that determine which activities are permitted or forbidden, along with those that had to be undertaken in a specific manner. These laws regulate matters that pertained to, among others, military, mercantile, bureaucratic, and adventuring interests along with those surrounding the arcane arts. Some laws and their typical punishments for breaking such laws include:  
  • Respect for the Crown: It is illegal to disrespect or insult the Qyzhar/Qyzharah, their family, their advisors or the crown in any way. This includes speak ill of any previous Qyzhar/Qyzharah of Duryad, verbal insults or defacing or destroying images or symbols of the crown. Anyone caught of such offence will face severe punishment. Branded a unpatriotic, anti- monarchist Insurectionist, 1 year incarceration and reeducation & 750 gp fine
  • Theft: Is considered a serious crime and is punishable by law.- Depending on the severity of the theft, the punishment can range from a fine equal the worth of the stolen goods to 5-10 day incarceration
  • Tax Evasion: All citizens are required to pay taxes on their income, property, and other assets according to their means. This includes debts owed to the government or other citizens. Failure to pay taxes will result in - 5-30 days incarceration and a repossession of property equal to the amount owed.
  • Freedom of Worship: The Qyzharate of Duryad is known for its religious tolerance, and it is illegal to discriminate against anyone based on their religion, deity or belief system so long their faith is not one the Qyzharate has deemed illegal. This includes both the worship of fiendish/malicious entities, Evil Deities, or any other gods or extraplanar beings deemed subversive, disruptive or malevolent.
  • Worship of fiendish/malicious entities or evil deities - Branded a heretic, 1 year incarceration, reeducation, forced conversion & 750 gp fine OR Public Execution/Exile.
  • Duty and Privilege to Serve: All citizens of Duryad are required to serve the Qyzharate in some capacity, whether it be through military service for a minimum of two years when they reach the age of maturity, civic duties, or other forms of public service. This is universaly enforced, unless they have a valid medical or personal exemption. Failure to comply with the Duty to Serve or not completing service is punishable by - Branded a unpatriotic coward, a 6 month incarceration and Public shaming, family name is smeared & forced labour.
  • Unlawful Use of Magic: The use of magic without a license or for harmful purposes is strictly prohibited - 30 day incarceration and a fine up to 500 gp.
  • Unlawful Use of Necromancy Magic or Enchantment Magic with Malicious Intent: 1 - 5 year incarceration, 6 month correctional program, and 2,000 gp fine.
  • Damage to Private Property: 5-15 days incarceration or a fine of twice the worth of property damaged & forced labour repairing the damages of the property untill the damages have been reversed.
  • Damage to Public Property: Including bridges, roads, and government buildings - 15-60 days incarceration and a fine of twice the worth of property damaged & forced labour repairing the damages of the property untill the damages have been reversed.
  • Damage to Crown Property &r Sacred Sites: 60-120 days incarceration and a fine of twice the worth of property damaged & forced labour repairing the damages of the property untill the damages have been reversed.
  • Kidnapping & Trafficing of Sentient Humanoids: 60 days incarceration and/or a fine of 800 gp.
  • Assault with Intent to Injure: Assault or physical violence towards another person is also strictly prohibited and is punishable by - 30 days incarceration and/or a fine of 350 gp.
  • Assault with Intent to Kill: Assault and violence against others, including domestic violence, is illegal and punishable by - 250 days incarceration and rehabilitation programm or a fine of up to 2,000 gp. In severe cases, Public execution or exile.
  • Sexual harassment & Sexual Assault: This is considered among the most serious crimes, and the offender may face punishment ranging from - 8-50 years incarceration, with a fine of 6000 gp, life imprissonment or execution, depending on the severity of the crime.
  • Adultery and other Sexual Crimes: Considered immoral and illegal, these crimes are punishable by 5 to 20 year incarceration, with a fine of 2000 gp, or life inprissonment, depending on the circumstances.
  • Murder & Other Violent Crimes: Considered a capital offense, and the offender shall face exile, forced labor, see Sexual harassment. However, the Qyzhar/Qyzharah may choose to commute the sentence in certain circumstances.
  • Slavery & Ownership of Humanoids: This practice is strictly forbidden in Duryad and is punishable by 12-20 years incarceration, forced labour and a fine of 1,800 gp. In severe cases, Public execution or exile.
  • Obstructing Justice or Resisting Arrest: Offenders may face punishment ranging from a 250 gp fine to 60-120 day imprisonment.
  • Poaching, Habitat Destruction & Environmental Crimes: It is illegal to hunt or fish without proper licenses or outside of designated seasons, and poaching is a criminal offense punishable by by 5-10 years incarceration, a fine of 2000 gp and forced labour. "
  • Poaching, Habitat Destruction & Environmental Crimes against Protected Species: Harming Axebeaks, Elephants, Gypsocuta, Horses, Wyverns, Skimwings, Sabre seals, Hyenas or any other protected species is strictly forbidden, and punishable by 8-15 years incarceration, a fine of 6000 gp. In severe cases, Public execution or exile.
  • Attempts to sabotage or disrupt the edeucation system; which is vital to Soritus' culture, are considered a serious crime and are punished severely. - 1 year incarceration, 6 month correctional program,Public shaming, reeducation & 750 gp fine.
  • Displaying, Bearing or Exhibit Prohibited Symbolism: Wearing of certain colours and symbols associated with organized crime, Political insurections or hate groups is forbidden. - Branded an unpatriotic, anti-monarchist Insurectionist, 1 year incarceration, 6 month correctional program,Public shaming, reeducation & 750 gp fine.
  • Discrimination: Prejudice based on gender, sexual orientation, race, religion, or social status is prohibited and is punishable by - 1 year incarceration, 6 month correctional program,Public shaming, reeducation & 750 gp fine.
  • Conspiring Agains the Crown the Duryad Sultanate: - Branded a traitor, see Treason
  • Treason: - Public execution, family name is smeared and forfeiture of all land including the rights of the offenders heirs.
  • Slaughter Under Trust: If a Clan Chief or any member of government was convicted of massacre of an opponent, under a feigned agreement to settle a dispute, it is considered a high crime punishable not just as treason by public execution and the smearing of ones family name, but the forfeiture of all land including the rights of his heirs. However, the Qyzhar/Qyzharah may choose to commute the sentence from death to Banishment in perpetuity, but only in certain circumstances.
  • Commercial cooperation and engaging in illicit parties: Trading with pirates or engaging in other illegal activities can result in - 8-15 years incarceration, a fine of 6000 gp, or in severe cases, Life imprissonment or Public execution, depending on the severity of the crime.
  • Piracy: Life imprissonment, a fine of 6000 gp, Branded a Pirate and a traitor, see Treason.
  • Black marketering & Secondhand sale or purchase of stolen goods; goods that are counterfeit or stolen, including black market items. Trading goods that are counterfeit or stolen, including black market items or engaging in commerce of other illegal substances and wares can result in - 5-10 years incarceration, and fine of 3000 gp.
  • Blackmail, Bribery, Extorcion & Corruption: It is illegal to engage in any form of bribery or corruption, including offering or accepting gifts or favors in exchange for political influence or favors.
  • The sale and distribution of Illegal Substances: while recreational drug use of halfing weed and other government regulated intoxicants is legal. Harder narcotics are prohibited in Duryad. Offenders may face punishment ranging from fines of 250gp to 1-5 year imprisonment with rehabilitation and 6 month correctional programme, depending on the severity of the offense.
    In Duryad, the laws are created and implemented by the Qyzhar/Qyzharah, with the assistance of the Council of Zhervizars (advicors, ministers or viziers). The laws are written down in a book known as the "Codex Judicium Imperialis," (The Tome of Imperial Judgement), stored the royal library, located in the capital city, accessible to authorized government officials.   The law enforcement agencies of Duryad are primarily composed of the military, with a dedicated law enforcement division responsible for enforcing civil laws and regulations. Citizens are encouraged to report any criminal activity they witness or experience, and the military police investigate and prosecute such cases.   The legal system in Duryad is based on the principles of justice, fairness, potential rehabilitation and accountability. Punishments for crimes in Duryad vary depending on the severity of the offense. Minor offenses may result in fines, community service, or a brief period of incarceration. Serious offenses may lead to longer periods of imprisonment, or exile, public shaming, smearing of family name and even death penalty. Punishments are generally non-negotiable, although in some rare cases, the accused may be given an opportunity to prove their innocence or plead for mercy.   The laws of Duryad cover a broad range of areas, including but not limited to: Crime: The laws prohibit theft, robbery, assault, murder, treason, and other crimes against individuals and the state. Punishments for these crimes are severe and swift.  
The laws provide clear guidelines for ownership and transfer of property. Citizens are required to register their property with the government and to pay taxes on it regularly.
The laws mandate that all citizens have the right to work and to be compensated fairly for their labor. Employers are required to provide safe working conditions and fair wages to their employees.
The laws regulate commerce, trade, and business practices to ensure fair competition and to protect consumers from fraud and deception.
The laws regulate banking, credit, and other financial institutions to protect citizens' savings and investments.
The laws provide for a fair and equitable system of taxation, with tax rates varying based on income and wealth.
The laws provide for a system of justice that is fair and impartial, with judges and juries making decisions based on evidence presented in court.
Duryad values its natural resources and has laws in place to protect the environment. It is illegal to hunt certain species of animals or destroy their habitats, as well as to dump waste or pollutants in natural areas.
Education is highly valued in Duryad, and it is illegal to deny anyone access to education based on their social status, gender, or any other factor.   Overall, the laws in Duryad are strict and heavily enforced, designed to promote stability, prosperity, and security for all citizens, with the emphasis on maintaining order and loyalty to the crown the state and its values, while ensuring that those who break the law are held accountable for their actions.

Agriculture & Industry

In compliance with its war effort, the Qyzharate was heavily engaged in industry during the Age Expantion. The country's economy is dominated by shipbuilding, metalworking, mining, maritime trade, fishing and manufacturing weapons such as arrows, spears, shields, swords, and knives.

Trade & Transport

Under the Duryadh dynasty, the trade was extensive and there was an efficient infrastructure that facilitated the exchange of commodities in the far reaches of the empire. Tariffs on trade were one of the qyzharate's main sources of revenue, along with agriculture and tribute.


The Qyzharate of Duryad have enjoyed a formal education system as early as the lifetime of Qyzhar Murad Bayezid Calugar Duryadh's predecessor. School is hardly ever canceled, with at least one notable exception being the birth, corronation, wedding and death of any member of the royal clan. During the Age of Expantion, the education system aimed to instill loyalty in its students through strict discipline, and nationalist teachings. Students in certain schools began the educational process as soon as they began showing signs of magical abilities, or for noncasters, as soon as they began walking. Subjects including history, music, etiquette, warfare, and/or magic mastery were taught to the students by various teachers.   However, the educational system also influenced students to develop a strong sense of nationality and loyalty to the Qyzhar(ah).

The Eternal State/ All our Rivals past subject to Duryad/ Dread and Blood/ Strong, Stable, Steadfast


  • Map of Thrakos
Founding Date
-389 AC
Geopolitical, Empire
Alternative Names
Duryad Qyzharate, Duryad Kapralate
Duryadi | Durish
Leader Title
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Unitary state
Economic System
Mixed economy
Since at least 365 AC, the royal coinage of Duryad Is stamped with a dragon on the obverse and a  As of present day, this custom still endures.   Duryad utilizes the same copper, silver, gold, and platinum system as the rest of the Urbûn's major powers's, but issues them in the Qyzhar/Qyzharah's image. The obverse of each coin is stamped with the silhouette of the current monarch, the year of its mint and the treasury date mark. The reverse of the coins differ, however. The reverse of the copper piece depicts a radiant sun, the national emblem of the realm. The reverse of the silver piece is embossed with the Royal Palace (the monarch's residence). The gold and platinum coins depict a resolute Qyzhssary mounted upon an axe beak, and an erect wyvern rising from the sea, respectively.   Coins are referred to as dyh'naor/dynhor. Durish-minted denominations were the following:   Platinum piece "sea wivourn" gold piece: "talouns" silver piece: "thrones" copper piece: "suns"    1 platinum piece = 1 platinum = 10 gold = 20 electrum = 100 silver = 1000 copper
Major Exports
The Qyzharate exports mainly exotic mounts and weaponry, but also fish, pearls, spice, ore, and salt.
  • Ships (Durish ships are purchased by countries and the wealthy) Their shipbuilding techniques are also top-tier, (and carefuly guarded) and the ships built in the Qyzharate's Dockyards see service all across the world.
  • Horses, elephants, axe beaks and other exotic mounts
  • Exotic goods ( Ghodahar trinkets, tribal totems, etc.)
  • Salt & spices
  • Mercenaries
  • Weaponry
  • Minor magic items and spell components
  • Luxuries (pearls, pottery, cut gems, art, etc.)
  • Ore and refined goods (raw & refined iron, bronze, steel, mithril, etc.)
  • Fish products and maritime goods
Major Imports
The Qyzharate imports mainly: 
  • Timber (Preusterland, Mekrashov, Nympharum)
  • Wines & an Luxurious alcohols(Nympharum, Mekrashov, Ashad)
  • Ore and refined goods (raw & refined iron, bronze, steel, mithril, etc.)
  • Meat, animal products, and silk
  • Agricultural goods (cereals, vegetables, lumber, etc.)
Legislative Body
The Qyzharah's Court writes the laws and rules of the country, and The Qyzharah herself decides which laws make it into power and has all other aspects of power     The legislative body of Duryad is called the Council of Zhervizars. This council is personally chosen by the Qyzharah, who selects the most wise and respected individuals in the Qyzharate to serve as advisors. The Council is composed of usualy more, but never less tha seven members. Each of these chosen seven receive their own distinct title of equal rank; The Claw, The Eye, The Wing, The Tail, The Presence and The Fang. of the council often serve for life, but they may retire after twenty years of service.
Judicial Body
Duryad's judicial system is headed by the Royal High Court, sometimes called the Council of Imperial Judgement or "Bane of the convicted" which serves as the highest court of the land. The court is composed of nine Imperial Justices, each specializing in a different area of law, including civil law, criminal law, and medical law. These seven are appointed by the Qyzhar/ Qyzharah, presided over by the Chief Justice of the Realm, and approved by the Council of Zhervizars. The justices serve for life or until retirement, ensuring their impartiality and independence.   Below the Royal High Court, there are regional courts and specialized courts for different legal areas such as family law, labor law, and criminal law. Judges are appointed by the emperor and approved by the Council of Zhervizars, with many positions requiring legal experience and education. Additionally, there are lower courts throughout the qyzharate, such as district and municipal courts, which handle more routine legal matters. Additionally there are specialized courts for different legal areas such as family law, labor law, and criminal law. These courts are overseen by judges who are appointed by the qyzharah and approved by the Council of Zhervizars, with many positions requiring legal experience and education. Their decisions can be appealed to higher courts.   The Royal High Court strives to provide a fair and impartial judgment in all cases. The tribunal is responsible for hearing all evidence and testimony related to the case before rendering a decision. Punishments for crimes in Duryad are typically focused on rehabilitation and restoration rather than punitive measures. However, the use of capital punishment is very much so in use, although, reserved for only the most heinous crimes. For example, a person convicted of theft may be required to perform community service or repay the stolen goods rather than serve time in prison, while some one charged with sexual assault, Murder or Treason shall be put to death. The tribunal has the power to enforce its decisions and issue punishments, which can range from fines and short term imprissonment to banishment, or even Public execution in extreme cases.   Overall, the judicial system of Duryad is considered to be fair and just, characterized by a strict adherence to law and order, with an emphasis on protecting the rights of citizens above all else.
Executive Body
The executive body of Duryad is headed by the Qyzharah of Duryad, who holds absolute power and authority over the realm. The Qyzharah is advised by a council of ministers, which is made up of the heads of the various government departments. These departments include defense, finance, health, education, and transportation, among others.   The Qyzharah is responsible for making all major decisions regarding the realm's policies, laws, and foreign affairs. She also has the power to appoint and dismiss government officials, ambassadors, and military commanders. In addition, the Queen is the commander-in-chief of the Durish military.   The council of Zhervizars serves as a body of advisors to the Qyzharah and helps to implement her decisions. Each minister is responsible for overseeing the operations of their respective department and providing regular reports to the Qyzharah on its progress.   The executive body also includes a network of regional governors who are appointed by the Qyzharah to oversee the administration of Duryad's provinces and ensure that her policies are being implemented at the local level. These governors are responsible for maintaining law and order, promoting economic development, and overseeing infrastructure projects in their respective regions.   Overall, the executive body of Duryad is highly centralized, with power concentrated in the hands of the Qyzharah and her council of ministers. This system allows for quick decision-making and efficient implementation of policies, but also leaves little room for dissent or opposition.
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Trade Dealings

Both nations have sent well-received delegations.

Trade Dealings

The Tzardom sees the Imperial Qyzharate as a potential threat, both having comparable military strength and due to Duryad's stance on indentured servitude. Other than that, both nations have sent well-received delegations and enjoy productive trade deals.

Trade Dealings

Both nations have sent well-received delegations.

At war

On the eight of Summertide 8 PC word reached Qyzharah Qyzharah Haleema Asherah Duryadh that the imperial garrison at the Qurthi had fallen to the Kingdom of Fionmagh and that 22 large fiergish warships among other vessels had anchored in the harbor. With accounts numbering the dead at over 1000, war had been formally declared against the invading forces and on Fionmagh .

Articles under The Imperial Qyzharate of Duryad