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The Battle of Mekisr Altiui

Military: Battle

18/8 13:00
18/8 18:00

The Battle of Mekisr Altiui, or Battle of the Broken Mast, also known as the Battle of the Rising Wing, was fought on 18 Elasis 27 PC. While intending to spend the night in the open sea following the initial Battle of Bazdarún, Zhervizar Zragar B. Maccal was forced to change his plans due to a report of 26 Fiergish ships lead by Bhaltair Guaire, having been sighted heading in the direction of Mekisr Altiui. This prevented Zragar B. Maccal and his fleet from resting long on the morning of 8 Elasis. The fleet was in dire need of repairs, resupply and the crews needed rest. Thus, the "Butcher of the Sea" as had come to be known as, ordered a detatchment lead by his adopted son Qumandyhr-Kabudyan Malchus Calugar Creed-Maccal to pursue the Fiergish in the direction of Shalzun. The Durish squadron, with JKD The Red Diamond's Revenge at the spearhead, they intercepted and destroyed the Fiergish ships in a small skirmish near near the shore of Mekisr Altiui.The Durish easily sank 11 of the warships, suffering only superficial damage. The Laird Navarch of Sea and War managed to slip away with only 2 ships surviving the skirmish. Commander-Captain Malchus C. Creed.M had destroyed 4 of the enemy vessels in his ships maiden voyeage in a baptism of saltwater and cannon fire.