Urbûn History of The Imperial Qyzharate of Duryad Timeline
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History of The Imperial Qyzharate of Duryad

All of Duryadi history

  • 389 AC

    Founding of The Qyzharate of Duryad

    The Imperial Qyzharate of Duryad was formally created this day, with Dahrmuyahd I "the Magnificent" el Zinad claiming the neighboring regions as his domain.

    Djerad Sikta
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    The Corbûnian Calendar
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  • 379 AC

    365 AC

    Barzulanor Wars
    Military: War

    Five bloody wars are fought between the Old Barzulanor Dominion, a remnant of the Noghronid Djerate and the greatest regional power of south-eastern Nahhron, and the Qyzharate — wars which Duryad wins with the help of its Gholdahar auxillaries, powerful navy and dragonborn heavy infantery. The Durish practice indentured servitude learned from the Barzulanor slavetrade.

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    The Corbûnian Calendar
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  • 365 AC

    361 AC

    The Fifth Barzulanor War
    Military: Battle

    The Barzulanor wars end with the fifth war following the Submission of Zalhor in which the Barzulanor capital is utterly destroyed by the Qyzharate, as to ensure there would not be a sixth war. The Durish destroy the city's walls and streets with Warmages and naval bombardment and salt and sulfur the fields. The old domains of Barzulanor were incorporated into the Qyzharate, and the Dominion were assimilated into the empire. With the Zalbahri shattered, the Qyzharate expands its influence over the surviving Samyhrate of Arusad, Denokid Sultanate and other remnants of the Naghronid Djerate

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  • 358 AC

    347 AC

    The Conquest of the Three Petty kings
    Military: War

    Alsor known as The Last Roar of The Magnificent. The Qyzharate of Duryad expanded through conquest of the southern reaches of the continent, uniting the remining states of the Naghronid Djerate under the banner of Duryad. Dahrmuyahd I "the Magnificent" el Zinad, dies of old age and sustained injuries shortly after and is buried in the royal crypt of Djerad Sikta.

    Djerad Sikta
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  • 215 AC

    3 Tarsakh

    Duryad lands on Thrakos
    Population Migration / Travel

    In the aftermath of the Second Raihun War and the unification of the Durish peoples of Naful and Kloroa, countless humans, dragonborn, dratuga and other durish kin emigrate northward. The Imperial Qyzharate of Duryad stretches further as the first ships landed on the island of Thrakos. It was quickly integrated and made a part of their blooming empire.

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    The Corbûnian Calendar
  • 153 AC

    149 AC

    Second Raihun War
    Military action

    The Duryad sultanate expanded through conquest of the southern reaches of the continent, primarily in the Raihun region

    Raihun Wastes
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    The Corbûnian Calendar
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  • 9 PC

    6 Flamerule
    9 PC

    6 Flamerule

    Battle of Qurthi
    Military action

    The Battle of Qurthi was a naval engagement on 8 Summertide 9 AC during the Thrakos War (9 AC - ). It occurred at Qurthi where Zragar Maccal 's fleet managed to destroy more than 22 large Fiongian ships   The Battle of Qurthi was a naval battle which took place during the Fiongian invasions of Duryad. Maccal's fleet destroyed an anchored Fiongian transport fleet. It was the first naval battle of the Thrakiot War and the first victory of Admiral Zragar Maccal against the Fiongian naval fleet of Laird Navarch of Sea and War Bhaltair Guaire . A day later, after destroying an additional 18 Fiongian transports in nearby waters, Zragar Maccal returned to his home port after receiving news of the fall of Kirfaan. The Battle of Qurthi caused anxiety and nervousness among the Fiongians, because afterward Maccal began to deploy his navy to attack Fiongian supply and carrier vessels.

  • 9 PC

    14 Marpenoth
    9 PC

    14 Marpenoth

    Battle of Kirfaan
    Military action

    The Battle of Kirfaan of Marpenoth 9 Ac, or the Battle of Krifaanko (Battle of Kirfaan Bay) was a naval bombardment of anchored Fiongian ships at Kirfaan. Zragar Maccal managed to destroy over 200 Fiongian ships and retreated with minimal casualties.

  • 10 PC

    6 Uktar

    Death of Asherah G. V. Goldfyre
    Life, Death

    the emperess was killled by a lightning bolt spell conjured by Lander Storm. she was trapped in a enchanted suite of armor that forced her to attack the BBEG Removal Squad. this armor was sent by Húndark Thorne. She bled out in her brothers arms.

    More reading
    The Corbûnian Calendar
  • 10 PC

    17 Uktar
    10 PC

    18 Uktar

    The Battle of Ternosear
    Military action

    The Battle of Ternosear was a battle which took place during the Thrakiot War(8 AC–). Zragar Maccal and Narkul Maccals fleet destroyed an anchored Fiongian transport fleet. A day later, after destroying an additional 18 Fiongian transports in nearby waters, Zragar Maccal and Narkul Maccal parted ways and returned to their home ports after receiving news of the death of Kapralah Asherah.

  • 10 PC

    16 Nightal
    10 PC

    16 Nightal

    Battle of Z'ar Rilark
    Military: Battle

    The Battle of Z'ar Rilark, the last major battle of the Fiergish invasions of Duryad (8 AC -10 AC ), was fought between the Waverider Armada (Fiergish navy) and the combined fleets of the Nympharum Concord and The Imperial Qyzharate of Duryad. It took place in the early morning of 16 Nightal 10 AC and ended past dawn. The allied force of about 150 Nympharum and durish ships, led by admirals Zragar Maccal and Francesco Driadialor, attacked and either destroyed or captured more than half of the 600 Fiergish ships commanded by Bhaltair Guaire, who was attempting to link-up with George Ironfist. The battered survivors of Bhaltair's fleet limped back to Fionmagh.

    Z'ar Rilark
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    The Corbûnian Calendar
  • 10 PC

    20 Nightal

    Resurection of Kapral Haleema Asherah Duryad
    Life, Milestone

    Ash Evenwood teleportet to the Wadrun crypts where Ash Evenwood performed a successful resurrection ritual on Haleema Aurixen.

    Djerad Sikta
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  • 11 PC

    15 Alturiak

    Crown Prince Orion Balaur Duryad's death
    Life, Death

    Crown Prince Orion Balaur Duryad lost his life in combat against the Black Blood, Black Legion ang their leader Húndark Thorne during the Raid of The Moaning Cave

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