Heston Lockheart Character in Urvén | World Anvil
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Heston Lockheart

Most famous bard in Dunsland. A bit of a scoundrel. Leads a small troupe.

Sir Heston Lockheart, Balladeer

Sir Heston Lockheart, Knight of Dunsland and bard of some renown is a human male usually found travelling the towns of Dunsland and Svirinth plying his trade. Exceptionally charismatic, he performs for the rich and royalty whenever possible. He also has a reputation for being an accomplished adventurer, delving into dangerous locations to persue magical treasures and wealth.

Less generous individuals may describe Heston as being a rake and a scoundrel - rumours persist that he is banned from entering the country of Arcenne due to a dalliance with a member of the royal family there. However, since the source of this rumour is often Heston himself, it is difficult to know whether they are true or merely a fabrication to increase his mystique. Regardless, it certainly seems like he rarely spends a night alone.

Physical Description

Body Features

Heston is slight of build and is slightly above average height. He is in good shape but a keen observer may get the impression that he preens and improves himself more than he actually uses his physique. He is white and has light brown hair starting to turn grey at his temples.

Facial Features

Piercing blue/grey eyes sit above a slightly hooked nose. His face is framed by an immaculate beard shaped carefully to a point about an inch-and-a-half from his chin. His face is quite gaunt but still handsome, with high cheekbones and a hard jawline.

Special abilities

Heston is a bard with several class levels. He is well versed in Fey mythology and can speak Sylvan.

Apparel & Accessories

Heston is almost always dressed in his adventuring equipment as he believes it cultivates his air of being a lovable scoundrel. He wears combat leathers converted to be more stylish with added colour (mainly burgundy) and lace on the sleeves and around the neck. He also wears a cape to match and has a few pieces of bright jewelry about his person.

He usually plays the lute and it is well known that his favourite instrument is enchanted in some way. He also carries a small horn and a drum.

Finally, he carries a high quality scimitar that appears able to float and fight on its own, along with a fine crossbow.

Honorary & Occupational Titles
Knight, Dunsland
Balladeer - The Weavers
Aligned Organization

Summer Camp 2021

Cover image: by Antonio López from Pixabay


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