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Descended from Ornassi colonists long detached from their homelands far to the east, the Magnan people have in the Sixth World begun to carve a path of their own. Over the past century, many of the Ornassi colonies that had been subsumed by the Commonwealth have begun to rebel, especially those protected by their remote geography in places such as Hyklos and Magna Orna. The cultures there are of a enterprising and rough people driven by their pioneer tradition, as well as the extremely hostile environments they have only just begun to tame. Despite a reputation as being mostly scoundrels, pirates and trappers (a reputation not entirely undeserved, especially with Hyklos's occasional use as a penal colony) they are also a highly learned and cosmopolitan people, and have been deeply influenced by trade with the Gebroan to embrace a certain kind of democracy, though more individualistic and libertarian than the communal minded Republican League. They also have adopted beastfolk among their number, especially the saurial lizard-men of Prax and the minotaur clans of Hyklos. Despite their professed love for freedom, slavery remains an odious institution among the former colonies, and the source of much conflict as they find their identity. Magnans also rank with the Cazzeri one of the least religious cultures of Uskara, often spurning the gods and missionaries for more temporal matters. Other than the Ministry Evangelian, the only other two faiths with any amount of purchase in Magnan culture are the cults of Khyber that followed the assimilation of the Hyklosian minotaurs and a heretical church of Dantalion that operates in secret known as the Rosy Compass.  
  • Ancestry: Quicklings and harfoots were the most likely to survive and adapt in the Magnan colonies, though some elves and gnomes pursued this path as well. Magnan society is one of the most integrated with beastfolk races, including kobolds, minotaurs, and saurials, and goblins also play important roles, especially on ships, though for all this integration they still often face significant discrimination.
  • Starting Languages: Low Talirean, Ornassi
  • Myrcian Weapons: falchion (scimitar), pistol, scourge, gill hook, spear. Many of the classical Ornassi weapons have fallen completely out of fashion, preferring the Gebroan falchion and switching the whip for the shorter scourge. The spear remains a utilitarian standby, and the specialized gill hook comes from the widespread cultural practice of leviathan hunting.

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