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The Ornassi used to rule the world, or so it is said. The city of Herapetra used to be the glittering jewel of all Uskara, before its subjugation by the Commonwealth. A maritime culture that explored every corner of Uskara, settling colonies even as far as Algoboa, the Ornassi earned their reputation fairly. Having spread so far and wide, they have mostly found themselves in retreat these days. They also settled in the south of Talingarde in Attalissia, and extended their reach through the Keshkevar through slaves they had resettled from Zafara. Their culture was influenced by infernal powers in much the same way the Grand Old Dominion was, though they were too widespread and diverse to be entirely dominated by it in the same way. It is said that the deals with devils that their corsairs and explorers made to conquer the world has resulted in their current reduced state. They are at once inspired by the Hellenic period of Greece as well as the Phoenicians, Carthage, and the stories of Sinbad the Sailor. Ornassi can still be found plying their trade as mariners, though the corsairs feel a distant memory. A few communities in southern Talingarde, as well as the city of Attalis, still bear Ornassi culture. Many Ornassi follow a variant of the faith of Mitra, brought to them by missionaries, primarily through branches of St. Byblia's Ministry Evangelian, but just as many others follow the Central Dogma of the Commonwealth, worshipping Dantalion. Most Ornassi do not worship any single faith, and in fact pride themselves on the thousands of many gods of various origins and cultures that they have imported back to their homelands. Some believe the Ornassi irreligious but most would vehemently disagree, and claim to be the most religious Uskarans to have ever lived.  
  • Ancestry: At their height, the Ornassi were primarily quicklings, though today the dwarves and halflings are nearly at parity with the tall-men. They are a cosmopolitan people however that intermingle widely.
  • Starting Languages: Low Talirean, Ornassi
  • Myrcian Weapons: Sling, spear, scimitar, whip, pistol. Ornassi peltasts and hoplites were famous centuries ago, but have mostly fallen out of fashion. The scimitar and whip were the weapons of the corsair, while the pistol is a recent adaptation, as the Ornassi struggle to keep up with the hegemonic Commonwealth.

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