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After the Great Mistake, when the Kings Under the Mountain made peace with the Grand Old Dominion, there was a split within the dwarven people. The Moresain, who hold the pride of their people to be sacroscant and long for the day of their great continent-spanning empire, are descended from the dwarves who chose not to stand against Evil, and have fallen far in the centuries, declining more with every decade in their isolated mountain holdfasts. They have no true single polity or king, as every holdfast and its Thane is sovereign (they are called Kings Under the Mountain by outsiders but they do not use that name themselves, as a true King would rule all dwarves). Moresain dwarves are the picture of the most dour, humorless, grudging dwarf that you could imagine, obsessed with a dead past and decaying away in crumbling stone fortresses. Their Gebroan cousins look upon them sadly and think of them as living mummies. Incidentally, Moresain, like their cousins the Telvar and neighbors the Keshkevarine, do in fact practice ritual mummification. Both the Gebroan and Moresain desire reunification, but only on their mutually exclusive terms. Moresain tend to be fairer in feature than other dwarves, though they have dark hair compared to the blondes, reds, and browns of the Gebroan. The Moresain worship Triglav as the creator of the world as they know it, respect Meverab as the protector of the world against Chaos, and revere most things associated with the Second World. They especially despise St. Laeberik, who was in life a dissident dwarf among their numbers.  
  • Ancestry: While it would be easy to say the Moresain are exclusively dwarven, and they indeed are essentially dwarf supremacists, dwarves have a curious definition of "dwarf" that is tied more to ritual than blood. There have been a rare few instances of "adopted dwarves" among the Moresain, though to claim they were anything other than a dwarf is seen as a grave insult.
  • Starting Languages: Low Talirean, Moresain
  • Myrcian Weapons: battle axe, pick, warhammer, light hammer, maul. The hammer is the true weapon of all dwarves, though the pick and axe have their particular uses. The Moresain eschew ranged combat entirely, much to their detriment in the few skirmishes they've had with their neighbors.

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