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The Keshkevar is the most sacred part of Talingarde due to its historical and religious importance, and its people the Keshkevarine are descended from the Ornassi who first settled there as well as their Noddite slaves, though were changed over the years first by the rise of the Grand Old Dominion and then the advent of Mitra. They tend to be a philosophical and highly learned people, who settled in the ruins of the Third World, in the shadow of the pyramids built by the worshippers of dragons long ago. They deeply revere history and especially bloodlines. Like their Noddite ancestors they are known for their dark skin and curly hair. While their aristocracy no longer rules at the top, they have a strong tradition of each House being champions for causes outside of the Keshkevar, much like King Pentarses II, the founder of the House of Darius. Essentially, like many of the Lucidorean nobility, they often are mercenaries, though they prefer the term paladin borrowed from the elvish usage. They also have founded quite a few of the highest institutions of learning in Talingarde, and many celestials visit their sacred valleys and temples. The Keshkevarine prize tradition, knowledge, and drama. The Axiomatic Church is strongest in the Keshkevar, and clerics are held in the highest esteem. St. Byblia, who is said to have been the founder of the church proper, is their favorite of the Apostolic Heptead.  
  • Ancestry: Quicklings and dwarves make up the majority of the population, with a growing minority of elves, while harfoots and gnomes tend to live in the rural reaches. City goblins flock to the great ancient sewers of the metropolises built during the Third World.
  • Starting Languages: Low Talirean, Keshkevarine
  • Myrcian Weapons: short sword, trident, chakram, dagger, sling. The Keshkevarine short sword is similar to the Greek xiphos, while the trident and chakram are descended from gladitorial weapons in the Dominion days. Daggers are associated with noble intrigue, as the stiletto is in Lucidor, while Keshkevarine peltasts form the bulk of their ranged power.

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