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The continent of Zafara sits on the opposite end of the Uskaran overworld from Talingarde, forming the southern "pole" of the inverted globe. As Talingarde is dominated by Turulsul, Zafara is dominated by the Land of Nod, through which one might pass into Tartarus, the abode of the dead. Surrounding this cosmic sinkhole, pulled perpetually "down" by the malevolent influence of the Pit, Zafara is a large continent of mostly dry and hot climates, and people deeply influenced by the perpetual presence of the unquiet dead.


The center of Zafara appears as a colossal sinkhole, sometimes called Abaddon, surrounded by the Land of Nod which is a place of great magic and great death, barren of all but the most tenacious life. Instead of flowing outwards into the sea, rivers in Zafara flow inwards because of its unusual gravity, and what civilization still clings to the Land of Nod lives in cliffside cities overlooking these flood plain valleys. Another place defined by its inward flowing rivers is the Great Basin, a tropical paradise surrounding a titanic lake which has become more and more heavily populated over the last half-millenium, and is the creche of new civilization. The Dune Sea separates the Basin from the rest of the continent, a flowing desert of crimson sand dunes that flows like water. The Shanidars are a mountain range on the other side of the continent from the Great Basin which extent outwards towards the ocean, towards the Massene island chain, allowing one to island hop to Ornassus. More inland from here is the Blade Sea, a great savannah notable for its dangerous wildlife (and foliage).

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