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The Gloaming

The Gloaming is a strip of the surface of the Terrestrial Sphere which, due to the disk-like shape of the Prime Star, exists in a perpetual twilight. The sun never quite expands from a thin, almost animal-like iris in the sky here, and the Starry Mantle is often visible at all hours of the day. Indeed, it is often brightest during the "night" as the White Moon reflects the light much more effectively. It is naturally colder within the Gloaming, and climates trend towards longer nights and shorter days the closer you are to it. Only a few places on Talingarde are found completely or partially within the Gloaming: Vendalia and Perdita mainly. It is mostly experienced as an eerie phenomenon by sailors, and the Gloaming is known for strange events, superstitions and strange lights (called "witchfire"). Many mariners will do everything possible to not cross the Gloaming if they can help it, or at least as few times as they can. One superstitions holds that each time you cross it, a link of Meverab's chain is lost and you lose a year of your life.

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