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The First Heaven Nannar, more commonly known as the White Moon, or more recently as the Monster's Moon, is a semi-ovoid hunk of opalescent and sandy rock affixed to a thin crystalline sphere, as pock-marked and rugged as our own moon, though it reflects the prismatic light of Almaheva such that it can appear at different points very different colors depending the hue of the sky at the moment. It is the Throne of the celestial god Khyber, ruling over the Principle of Change, of transformation to body and spirit, which gives it influence over mutation, madness, and the shifting of the tides and oceans. Like Umbra it is found in the Cloudlands, and closer to the Terrestrial Sphere, looming large as it passes through the night sky. Nannar has phases like our moon but they are color-based (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet), based on its relative position to Umbra and the Prime Star, and the splitting of light through the crystal spheres of the Firmament. There is also a "full moon" and a "new moon" where it is either bathed in white light or eclipsed by Umbra. The full moon is the one associated with the transformation of accursed therianthropes. It should be noted that Nannar was not always associated with monsters, but rather this is a new development of the Sixth World and the ascension of Khyber.   Because Nannar is within the Misty Mantle, it is much more possible for life to flourish there. The surface is sometimes called the Beastlands because all sorts of monsters make their home there, and Nannar is close enough to the Terrestrial Sphere that it brushes the branches of the Turulsul. When it does, the branches act as "moonbridges" that let them cross the Misty Mantle into the Terrestrial Sphere, and they either descend the World Tree or spread through the world via the Urdena. The Commonwealth dedicates many of the resources it can spare to hunting and controlling the populations of monsters on Nannar, though at the risk of angering the god Khyber and his telkhines whom tend to the monsters as if they are were shepherds to a flock. The largest outpost, Venthethal, is notable for its mining operation of the mysterious lozeth crystals.
Alternative Name(s)
White Moon, Monster's Moon, the Beastlands

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